perish the thought

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perish the thought

Don't even mention that or think that way! Such a thing would be inconceivable. (Sometimes used humorously or sarcastically.) A: "If something were to ever happen to me, I would want you to go and live your life, perhaps fall in love again" B: "Perish the thought, my love!" Me being disruptive in class? Perish the thought!
See also: perish, thought
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

Perish the thought.

Fig. Do not even consider thinking of such a (negative) thing. If you should become ill—perish the thought—I'd take care of you. I'm afraid that we need a new car. Perish the thought.
See also: perish, thought
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

perish the thought

Don't even think of it. This expression is used as a wish that what was just mentioned will never happen. For example, He's going to give another speech? Perish the thought! This phrase appeared in Handel's oratorio Joshua (1748; text by Thomas Morell): "It never shall be said that our allies in vain implor'd our aid. Perish the thought!" Also see god forbid.
See also: perish, thought
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

perish the thought

used, often ironically, to show that you find a suggestion or idea completely ridiculous or unwelcome. informal
1993 Tablet Is he one of those people who file their own press cuttings and who even, perish the thought, write down their own witticisms?
See also: perish, thought
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

ˌperish the ˈthought!

(spoken, often humorous) I hope it will not happen; may it never happen: ‘A picnic is a good idea but what if it rains?’ ‘Perish the thought!’
See also: perish
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

perish the thought

Used to express the wish that one not even think about something.
See also: perish, thought
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

perish the thought

May this never happen, may this never be true. This cliché, an older equivalent of bite your tongue, intends to suppress the very idea of something rather than just its utterance. An early recorded use occurred in Colley Cibber’s 1700 version of Shakespeare’s Richard III, in which a character says “Perish the thought!” (5:5). See also God/heaven forbid.
See also: perish, thought
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Westminster is a complete turn-off for many of us, as for voting for it, perish the thought! TREFOR DAVIES Llanfrothen, Penrhyndeudraeth, Gwynedd
AL FRESCO THOUGHTS: IT may be a case of perish the thought at the moment but Northumberland Tourism is asking for your suggestions on what makes the perfect picnic.
Perish the thought that an umpire should believe that a team is cheating and actually do something about it.
What next, a cut in the chief executive salary, the consultants, the doctors' pay, perish the thought, no, charge the sick, the older population, the vulnerable or disabled.
If every windfarm application currently before Scotland's planning committees was approved - perish the thought - it would not close down a single conventional power station.
And I am not sufficiently vain to imagine that anyone would be remotely interested to know that I have enjoyed such-and-such a television programme or am supping a latte (perish the thought - what's wrong with a cuppa?) in an overpriced coffee bar.
Strangely Tevez's grasp of English has always seemed to be perfectly fine when it has come to the phrase 'would you like another thousand in your weekly wage packet, Carlos?' And you might call me a cynic (perish the thought) but I would suggest that Mr Tevez may have offered his apology when one of his advisers pointed out that by refusing to take the field he might be risking City deciding against paying him his wage.
Perish the thought, comrade, we're not here for self-aggrandisement - though for me he seems to wear that self-imposed hair shirt rather too comfortably.
And perish the thought they would actually finish in the top two, fluke their way through the semi final and meet either Bristol or Exeter in a two-legged final.
If we are not mindful, we could see the end of great British bangers, and bacon as we know it, not to mention crispy crackling covered roasts - perish the thought!
Although the majority of car drivers behave perfectly responsibly, a significant minority seem to resent any situation in which they may need to behave with consideration, courtesy or, perish the thought, patience.
And, to accommodate this new entrant, a significant number of games I will actually (perish the thought) be attending, have been moved to times and dates which will severely inconvenience me and thousands of others.
Perish the thought ( like Wolves, Preston North End and Barnsley they are a great name from the distant past but no more, aren't they?
IF YOU perish the thought of buying last minute Christmas presents in a packed shopping centre, relax, Bite Size has the perfect solution.