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Related to fire: Firefox
slang Extremely appealing or exciting; awesome. That party was fire, man! You should have been there! Where'd you get those fire kicks? Whoa, that girl is fire—I'm gonna go to talk to her.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
(something) at someone or something and fire (something) away at someone or something to shoot at someone or something with a weapon. Someone fired a gun at my car! The cowboy fired at the rattlesnake. The hunters fired away at the ducks. On television, somebody is always firing away at somebody else.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
- (all) fired up
- (as) hot as a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire
- (as) hot as fire
- a ball of fire
- a baptism of fire
- a burnt child dreads the fire
- a fire extinguisher
- a fire under (someone)
- a five-alarm fire
- a little fire is quickly trodden out
- a surefire way
- a three-alarm fire
- add fuel to the fire
- add fuel to the fire/flames
- add fuel to the fire/flames, to
- add fuel to the flame(s)
- ball of fire
- baptism by fire
- baptism of fire
- be (all) fired up
- be (as) hot as a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire
- be breathing fire
- be hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire
- be like drinking from a fire hose
- be no ball of fire
- be out of the frying pan (and) into the fire
- be playing with fire
- be/come under fire
- between two fires
- breathe fire
- build a fire under (someone)
- carry fire in one hand and water in the other
- catch (on) fire
- catch fire
- caught in the middle
- cease fire
- Chinese fire drill
- coals of fire
- come under fire
- don't have too many irons in the fire
- don't set yourself on fire to keep others warm
- don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm
- draw (one's) fire away
- draw (someone's) fire
- draw away (someone's or something's) fire
- draw fire
- draw fire away from (someone or something)
- draw fire from
- draw fire from (someone or something)
- draw someone's fire
- drink from a fire hose
- dumpster fire
- escape fire
- fat hit the fire
- fat is in the fire
- fat is in the fire, the
- fight fire with fire
- fight fires
- fire
- fire (one) with (an emotion)
- fire (one's) pistol in the air
- fire (something) at (someone or something)
- fire (something) into (someone or something)
- fire (up)on (someone or something)
- fire a line
- fire a shot across the bow
- fire and brimstone
- fire at will
- fire away
- fire back
- fire back at (someone or something)
- fire back to (someone or something)
- fire blanks
- fire bug
- fire drill
- fire extinguisher
- fire fit
- fire from the hip
- fire hose
- fire in (one's)/the belly
- fire in anger
- fire in the belly
- Fire in the hole!
- fire in your belly
- fire insults at (one)
- fire into
- fire is a good servant but a bad master
- fire off
- fire on
- fire on all cylinders
- fire on all four cylinders
- fire out
- fire over
- fire over (something)
- fire questions at (one)
- fire questions, insults, etc. at somebody
- fire sale
- fire someone up
- fire something up
- fire under
- fire up
- fire with anger
- fire-breather
- fire-breathing
- fired up
- firewater
- five-alarm fire
- friendly fire
- from frying pan to fire
- from the frying pan into the fire
- fuel the fire(s)
- get (all) fired up
- get on like a house on fire
- go from the frying pan into the fire
- go out of the frying pan (and) into the fire
- go through fire
- go through fire and water
- great balls of fire
- Great balls of fire!
- hang fire
- hanging fire
- have a lot of irons in the fire
- have lots of irons in the fire
- have many irons in the fire
- have many, etc. irons in the fire
- have several irons in the fire
- have too many irons in the fire
- he who plays with fire gets burnt
- heap coals of fire on (one's) head
- heap coals of fire on someone's head
- hire and fire
- hold (one's) feet to the fire
- hold (one's) fire
- hold feet to the fire
- hold fire
- hold one's fire
- hold someone's feet to the fire
- hold your fire
- hot as fire
- hotter than a fresh fucked fox in a forest fire
- If you play with fire, you get burned
- If you play with fire, you get burned.
- If you play with fire, you get burnt.
- in the firing line
- in the line of fire
- iron in the fire
- irons in the fire, lots of/too many
- irons in the fire, too many
- jump from the frying pan into the fire
- jump out of the frying pan (and) into the fire
- keep the home fires burning
- last burst of fire
- last hired, first fired
- last one hired, first one fired
- liar, liar, pants on fire
- Liar, liar, pants on fire!
- lift fire
- light (one's) fire
- light (one's) hair on fire
- light a fire under
- light a fire under (someone)
- light a fire under someone
- like a house afire
- like a house afire/on fire
- like a house on fire
- like drinking from a fire hose
- line of fire, in the
- miss fire
- moving three times is as bad as a fire
- no smoke without fire
- no smoke without fire, there's
- no smoke, no fire
- not set the Thames on fire
- not set the woods on fire
- not set the world on fire
- not/never set the world on fire
- on fire
- open fire
- open fire on (someone)
- ordeal by fire
- out of the frying pan (and) into the fire
- out of the frying pan into the fire
- play with fire
- play with fire, to
- pour fuel on the fire
- pour gas/gasoline on the fire
- pull (one's) chestnuts out of the fire
- pull (someone or something) out of the fire
- pull (someone's) bacon out of the fire
- pull out of the fire
- pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire
- pull the chestnuts out of the fire
- pull the chestnuts out of the fire, to
- put out a/the fire
- put out fires
- quick-fire
- rain fire and brimstone on (someone or something)
- ready, fire, aim
- rediscover fire
- run around with (one's) hair on fire
- set (one's) hair on fire
- set (something) on fire
- set fire to
- set fire to (something)
- set on fire
- set something on fire
- set the heather on fire
- set the Thames on fire
- set the woods on fire
- set the world on fire
- several irons in the fire
- shots fired
- soft fire makes sweet malt
- stamp a fire out
- stamp out
- start a fire under (someone)
- stoke the fires (of something)
- stomp out
- surefire
- take fire
- the fat hit the fire
- the fat is in the fire
- the same fire that melts the butter hardens the egg
- there's no smoke without fire
- three moves are as bad as a fire
- three-alarm fire
- tire fire
- too many irons in the fire
- trial by fire
- under fire
- when the fat hits the fire
- where there's smoke there's fire
- where there's smoke, there's fire
- where's the fire
- Where's the fire?
- without a shot being fired
- would not piss on (someone) if (someone) were on fire
- you don't have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm
- you don't have to set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm
- you don't look at the mantelpiece when you're poking the fire
- you should know a man seven years before you stir his fire