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Related to dweeb: geek


Someone who is considered uncool, typically due to overt studiousness or social awkwardness. Don't be such a dweeb! It's Friday night—we should be partying. I can't go to the prom with that dweeb, how embarrassing! Come on, that beautiful girl wouldn't talk to a dweeb like me.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


1. n. an earnest student. (Collegiate.) Don’t call Bob a dweeb! Even if he is one.
2. n. a strange or eccentric person; a nerd. This place is filled with dweebs of all sizes.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Themis resists, and moves away from Dweeb. He stands where he is, his arms akimbo across his chest.
While it was a hoot, its self-effacing symbolism nonetheless spoke volumes about how many editorial writers view themselves: as dweebs and nerds.
The formulaic script--which Anders and producer John Morris adapted from the novel "All the Way" by Andy Behrens--intros 18-year-old Ian Lafferry (Josh Zuckerman) as a soft-spoken, sweet-natured dweeb who's eager to relieve himself of his virginity.
But what chance does Fred have with a woman being courted by the Canadian prime minister (Alexander Skarsgard), whose good looks mask a charmless dweeb?
And do we really want to know how codger Lionel's going to organise the toilet situation with hapless Made In Chelsea dweeb Ollie Locke?
This man - known to some by his online name "Dweeb" - is a leading member of a group of people known as urban explorers.
High school dweeb Rick Riker (Drake Bell, of Nickelodeon's "Drake & Josh") has lived with dear Aunt Lucille (Marion Ross) and Uncle Albert (Leslie Nielsen) since his parents died.
RANDY WEINER describes himself as a 'skinny little dweeb who isn't cool at all'.
But please don't give this suffocatingly-soppy dweeb any more programmes to ruin.
The rock star branded Leicestershire council leader David Parsons a "pathetic, arrogant, jumped-up, snivelling little dweeb", and "a disgrace" on his website after Parsons wrote to his local newspaper criticising the star's anti-hunting campaign.
In one bit, Jamie tutors Clark on how to pick up chicks; you can find the same switcheroo in episode 16 of "My So-Called Life." Plus, there are the requisite scenes in which the dweeb acts like a macho man and the dumb girl proves she had hidden talents.
It's a big step for Dweeb (left), who recently signed to Risen Records.
These days, the average teen Goth skateboard vampire dweeb at Royal Exchange Square in Glasgow sports more ironware on their bits and bobs than last year's Festival freak show.
A charity night in aid of the festival is being held at The Fletch Pub, on the A45, Tile Hill, Coventry, and features guitarist The Celturian, Coventry indie pop rockers Little Girl Screaming, rock band dweeb and local singer/songwriter and GFactor winner Allan Britten.
ORDINARILY, when a supermodel is approached in the street by an unshaven dweeb with a dodgy haircut, she calls for help...