down a/the rabbit hole
(redirected from down a rabbit hole)down a/the rabbit hole
1. In a situation, process, or journey that is particularly strange, problematic, difficult, complex, or chaotic, especially one that becomes increasingly so as it develops or unfolds. (An allusion to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.) Are you sure you're ready to go down the rabbit hole of owning your own business? It is a huge responsibility full of unexpected challenges. Adopting my son and going down the rabbit hole of parenthood is the best decision I've ever made. I'm so glad we have a few years before going down the rabbit hole of college visits, SATs, and financial aid with our youngest.
2. Increasingly immersed and engrossed in offshoot topics related to the initial thing that one searched for online. In researching the group for school, I found myself falling down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and extremist propaganda. All of the video suggestions on ViewTube make it so easy to fall down a rabbit hole and then wonder how an hour has passed. A: "I thought you were going to wash the dishes." B: "I was, until I picked up my phone and started going down the rabbit hole of celebrity gossip."
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