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deny (oneself)

To deprive oneself (of something). I'm denying myself desserts right now, while I'm on this diet. Learning to deny yourself is an integral part of Lent. I eat everything in moderation, even junk food, because I know that fully depriving myself of anything just makes me want it more.
See also: deny

deny (something) to (someone or something)

To keep one from doing, having, or accessing something. I would never deny a great opportunity to you! You should follow your dreams! They don't want to get divorced and deny a stable home to their children. How could the school deny a research grant to such a deserving candidate?
See also: deny, to

justice delayed is justice denied

Justice served at a later time has as little impact as justice not being served at all. A: "We need to get this matter before a judge quickly." B: "Of course. Justice delayed is justice denied."
See also: delay, deny, justice

there's no denying (something)

expression It is irrefutably true that something is the case. There's no denying the importance of marketing when you want your product to be successful on a large scale. A: "No, it can't be true!" B: "There's no denying it—Sarah is definitely the one who stole the money."
See also: deny, no
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

deny someone or something to someone

to prevent someone from having someone or something. Would you deny her children to her after all these long months? I would not deny food to a starving man.
See also: deny, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Liam Clarke, 19, denies shouting, swearing and making homophobic comments on Glasgow's Gallowgate.
He further denies deliberately throwing the ball at another resident, maintaining that "it just didn't happen".
Barry Burke, 19, of Stonedale Crescent, Croxteth, denies guns and arson conspiracies and conspiracy to supply Class A and Class B drugs.
Zuckerberg denies the allegations of paragraph 3 of the Amended Complaint, and states that he launched his web site, "," on or about February 4, 2004.
The QLR's Col Jorge Mendonca MBE, 42, denies negligently performing duties.
The "Safety" (S5) denies the ball to the man in his area and applies the bluff and retreat technique on the dribbler.
He denies 21 counts of manslaughter by gross negligence.
The Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Office acknowledges that other people at the facility have heard the same allegation but denies it has any validity.
In Alabama, which permanently denies felons the right to vote, about one out of every three adult black men is barred for life.
The majority opinion states, "The short, conclusive answer to these (Illinois) contentions is that the Secretary (of Health and Human Services) denies any such practices.
It denies an applicant only if there is serious evidence of financial instability within the past five years.
162(k), which denies a deduction for costs relating to a redemption (with certain limited exceptions, including interest and ocher related debt acquisition costs).
A final important factor in weighing whether a vehicle has been abandoned is whether a person denies possession or ownership.
Henders, of Roseworth Close, Stockbridge Village, denies murder on July 2, 2009.