A bird eye view was given to field for the occurrence or absence of
Damping off disease.
asperellum isolate (TRI9) were evaluated for the management of cucumber
damping off under pot culture in green house through biopriming of seeds and soil application either as individual isolate or as consortia.
This two-season open field experiment was conducted during the dry months of July-October 2004 (22-25 [degrees]C) and January-March 2005 (22-26 [degrees]C) at the University of Nairobi's Kabete farm to evaluate the effect of four cultural strategies (singly and in combination) commonly practiced by tomato farmers in Kenya on Rhizoctonia
damping off of tomato.
The combination treatment between the six Trichoderma isolates and Fusarium sp F2 showed high levels of reduction in pre and post emergence
damping off in seedlings (Fig.
Seedlings that wilt and die almost overnight, or seeds that never sprout, probably were killed by "
damping off" disease.
Second, we also found that
damping off pathogens were the most important cause of seedling mortality, but their effect was less strong in gaps, where conditions are less favorable for fungal attack.
5Keep the greenhouse fan going where late-flowering chrysanthemums are coming into bloom to prevent
damping off. 6Continue to pot up a few bulbs of paper white narcissus to provide colour before Christmas.
Damping off is that maddening fungal infection that makes seedlings wilt and die just as you thought you'd succeeded.
Damping off: A condition in seedlings caused by a fungus that attacks at the soil level, causing them to rot, wilt and die.
DAMPING OFF THIS is another very simple treatment if you want to protect young seedlings from attack by fungal infections at their most vulnerable stage.
Sow thinly in drills, too thickly being one of the causes for '
damping off' (see questions).
However, I lose a lot of seedlings with
damping off. What can you suggest?
Verticillium wilt often looks similar, only without the yellowing, and the same complex of fungi that cause "
damping off" of seedlings can emerge as the culprits behind plants that collapse due to sudden root rot.
AADRIENNE SAYS: Fungal infections have led to a condition called "
damping off" - rot, in other words.
Indoors the greenhouses are filling up with young seedlings, they are very vulnerable to
damping off diseases and we will need to inspect them daily for any signs of fungus.