He forces the average would be active citizen to
choke down that sour persimmon, then feeds him the ripe plum that "surrendering one's voice is perhaps the surest path to advancement among those outgunned when politics is reduced to hyperindividualism....Powerful interest groups--energetic pluralistic democracy, if you will-offer one sensible alternative....The pretence of grassroots vitality and input would now be sacrificed to tangible accomplishment.
To do this
choke down the shaft a little,(grip further down the shaft).
The Bounty Hunter will do just as well for this type of shooting and you have the benefit of using the tubes to
choke down one barrel in readiness for a longer shot.
"Let's make this one a full stop." I would have to
choke down my point-eight hours of "A" time and like it.
Regardless, you
choke down breakfast, undercooked because there are no modern, efficient cooking appliances and fuel is precious.
Besides the filling crew, there were several carloads of "lookers," some of them skeptics there to heckle Dad and say, "I told you so" when the blower would
choke down and not push the cut corn over the top.
About that same grandfather ordering a barrel of live oysters shipped from New Orleans at Christmas time and giving each of his three daughters a quarter for every raw oyster they managed to
choke down. About my grandmother having such a terrible case of shingles that left a red weal almost clear around her waist, and the doctor said if it met in the middle, she would die, and the red weal stopped with less than an inch to go.
The Bonus: If you can't seem to get enough fiber from food, FiberChoice offers a convenient way to get additional fiber without having to swallow horse pills or
choke down slimy solutions.
But I look at you and know that you will be my man and you still don't know it and I stifle a laugh and don't say anything I
choke down words.
3 "Junge Szene 1998" (Wiener Secession, Vienna) While Europe is subjected to endless rounds of club-scene and ambient art, and gruesome group shows like the Berlin Biennale force us to
choke down more pop cuteness for the sake of cuteness, curator Kathrin Rhomberg succeeded with many of the same artists - like John Beck and his obsessive cages and treehouses-cum-architectural-critique.
* Depending on how hard the wind is blowing, take at least one more club when hitting into the wind and
choke down on it.
She managed to
choke down a fermented duck egg, an ostrich anus and lamb's testicles, known as bush oysters.
Because obviously what viewers want is to
choke down a mouthful of puke as they watch their soaps.
You've got to
choke down your desire to know what the band ate on the day they recorded White Light/White Heat, or what size shoes Lou Reed wears or if Iggy Pop puts on his pants before his socks or vice versa.
But as I
choke down the last of my dish of crow, I urge everyone to lower expectations for our next president.