carry around
(redirected from carry them around)
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carry around
1. To physically carry someone or something to many places; to tote someone or something around. A noun or pronoun can be used between "carry" and "around." After carrying a toddler around all day, my arms are pretty sore. Your purse weighs a ton because you carry around so much unnecessary junk! A: "Ma'am?" B: "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were carrying those boxes around for me! You can just put them on the floor in the corner, thanks."
2. To keep something in one's possession (on one's person). A noun or pronoun can be used between "carry" and "around." I always carry a pen and paper around with me, in case I get an idea for a song when I'm away from home. I always carry some extra cash around with me in case I encounter an unexpected toll or something. No, I don't want to carry a coat around with me all day, but I also don't want to freeze when the temperature plummets later.
3. To retain a memory or feeling of closeness with one who has died. A noun or pronoun can be used between "carry" and "around." Because I had such a loving relationship with my grandmother, I feel like I've been carrying her around with me ever since she died. I know I'll carry my daughter around with me every day of my life, but I'd so much rather have her physically here with me still. Of course I carry my best friend around with me still —I feel like I get little signs from her all the time.
4. To continue to retain some feeling, idea, or emotion. A noun or pronoun can be used between "carry" and "around." I hadn't spoken to my father in years, and now that he's dead, I've been carrying a lot of guilt around. She's been carrying her idea for a new business around for years, but she's never taken the steps to make it a reality. Maybe you should go to therapy if you still carry around so much pain from your childhood.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
carry someone around
(with oneself)1. Lit. to be the source of transport for someone, usually a child. I'm tired of carrying this baby around with me everywhere. Can't I buy a baby carriage? I always carry around my child with me.
2. Fig. to have in mind the memory or a sense of presence of another person with oneself. I have been carrying my dead grandfather around with me for years. She carries around her brother with her in her memories.
carry something around (with one)
to have something on one's person at all times. He carries a backpack around with him. Max carries around his checkbook with him.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.