Lord Muck

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Lord Muck

An average or ordinary man who has pretentions of being more important or of a higher class than those around him. Primarily heard in UK, Australia. Here comes Lord Muck again, swanning in like the King of England, expecting everyone to stop what they're doing just for him.
See also: lord, muck
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Sir, - If there is any further proof required that The Post is now owned by the Mirror Group, it was the Daily Mirror style trashy and insulting heading in Saturday's edition referring to Lord Guernsey as "Lord Muck".
Sir,- I was appalled by the leading headline in the city edition of the Post (August 29) which read "Lord Muck to ban gays in the wood."
Locals refer to people who get above their station as Lord Muck of Shwt Hill.
The multimillionaire had been discovered face down, with deep red marks on his neck, said Timothy Hetherington-Ponse - a "hooray Henry" planning to marry Millicent, Lord Muck's daughter.
But I used to seek his approval while Lord Muck sat back and watched little Mish run around and do everything."
JUST a little tale to warm the hearts of punters fed up with stories of footballers bedding all the fittest birds and generally thinking they're Lord Muck. A mate was in Zagreb with two Croatian pals last month to watch the England game.
Between ourselves, Lord Muck - Tarquin to those on first-name terms - is hardly popular and there are those who want him out of the picture, permanently.
Sylvia said: "I've been left to support the kids on pounds 86 a week social security while he swans round like Lord Muck in his concrete lorry.
They are letting him do what he wants, and he is swanning around like Lord Muck."