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do a Harold

slang To bolt; to leave abruptly. The term comes from rhyming slang in which "Harold" is short for "Harold Holt," which rhymes with "bolt." Harold Holt, the Australian Prime Minister in the 1960s, disappeared while swimming in 1967. Primarily heard in Australia. Come on, we need to do a Harold before Janet comes back and catches us in here! When the officer shone his lights on the park, all the kids drinking tinnies there did a Harold. Well, if we notice cops around, we'll just do a Harold before they even realize we've stolen anything.
See also: Harold

do a/the Harold Holt

slang To leave quickly and abruptly; to bolt. The term comes from rhyming slang in which "Holt" rhymes with "bolt." Harold Holt, the Australian Prime Minister in the 1960s, disappeared while swimming in 1967. Primarily heard in Australia. Come on, we need to do the Harold Holt before Janet comes back and catches us in here! When the officer shone his lights on the park, all the kids drinking tinnies there did a Harold Holt. Well, if we notice cops around, we'll just do a Harold Holt before they even realize we've stolen anything.
See also: Harold
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