Mazhab Peripatos
Mazhab Peripatos adalah sebuah mazhab filsafat di Yunani kuno. Ajaran-ajarannya berasal dari pendirinya, Aristoteles (384–322 SM), dan peripatetik adalah sebuah sebutan yang ditujukan kepada para pengikutnya.
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Barnes, Jonathan (2000), Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford Paperbacks, ISBN 0-19-285408-9.
- Drozdek, Adam (2007), Greek Philosophers as Theologians: The Divine Arche, Ashgate publishing, ISBN 0-7546-6189-X.
- Furley, David (1970), "Peripatetic School", dalam Hammond, N. G. L.; Scullard, H. H., The Oxford Classical Dictionary (edisi ke-2nd), Oxford University Press.
- Furley, David (2003), "Peripatetic School", dalam Hornblower, Simon; Spawforth, Antony, The Oxford Classical Dictionary (edisi ke-3rd), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-860641-9.
- Hegel, G. W. F. (2006), Brown, Robert F., ed., Lectures on the History of Philosophy 1825–1826: Greek Philosophy, 2, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-927906-3.
- Irwin, T. (2003), "Aristotle", dalam Craig, Edward, Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Routledge.
- Lieber, Francis; Wigglesworth, Edward; Bradford, T. G. (1832), Encyclopedia Americana, 10.
- Lynch, J. (1997), "Lyceum", dalam Zeyl, Donald J.; Devereux, Daniel; Mitsis, Phillip, Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy, Greenwood Press, ISBN 0-313-28775-9.
- Nussbaum, M. (2003), "Aristotle", dalam Hornblower, Simon; Spawforth, Antony, The Oxford Classical Dictionary (edisi ke-3rd), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-860641-9.
- Ostwald, M.; Lynch, J. (1982), "The Growth of Schools & the Advance of Knowledge", dalam Lewis, D. M.; Boardman, John; Hornblower, Simon; et al., The Cambridge Ancient History Volume 6: The Fourth Century BCE, Cambridge University Press.
- Ross, David; Ackrill, John L. (1995), Aristotle, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-12068-3.
- Seyffert, Oskar (1895), A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities.
- Sharples, Robert W. (2003), "The Peripatetic school", dalam Furley, David, From Aristotle to Augustine: Routledge History of Philosophy, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-30874-7.
- Wehrli, Fritz (ed.), Die Schule des Aristoteles. Texte und Kommentare. 10 volumes and 2 Supplements. Basel 1944–1959, 2. Edition 1967–1969.
- I. Dikaiarchos (1944); II. Aristoxenos (1945); III. Klearchos (1948); IV. Demetrios von Phaleron (1949); V. Straton von Lampsakos (1950); VI. Lykon und Ariston von Keos (1952); VII: Herakleides Pontikos (1953); VIII. Eudemos von Rhodos (1955); IX. Phainias von Eresos, Chamaileon, Praxiphanes (1957); X. Hieronymos von Rhodos, Kritolaos und seine Schuler, Rückblick: Der Peripatos in vorchlisticher Zeit; Register (1959); Supplement I: Hermippos der Kallimacheer (1974); Supplement II: Sotio (1978).