Uap MTK 2-Kode B

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WAKTU : 13.00 – 15.00

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1. N-butane is a straight chain alkane with four atoms, butane is derived
from the name butyric acid. This compound is usually delivered as a
liquefied gas under its vapor pressure. To determine the vapor pressure
of the compound N-butane can be seen in the following table:

Calculate the molar volumes of saturated vapor and saturated liquid of

n-butane at a temperature of 300 K using the following Van Der Waals


Where R=8.314 J/mol.K ; Tc=425.1 K ; Pc=37.96 bar
(skor : 70)

2. Suatu reaksi kimia dijalankan dalam serangkaian empat reaktor alir

tangki berpengaduk (CSTR) yang disusun seperti gambar di bawah.

Reaksi kimia adalah reaksi irreverible orde satu dengan persamaan

A  B
Kondisi temperatur dalam setiap reaktor sebagaimana nilai konstanta
laju reaksi ki berbeda di setiap reaktor. Volume setiap reaktor, Vi
juga berbeda. Nilai ki dan Vi diberikan pada tabel di bawah. Berikut
asumsi yang dapat digunakan untuk sistem tersebut.
a) Sistem adalah steady state
b) Reaksi terjadi di fasa cair
c) Tidak ada perubahan volume atau densitas cairan
d) Laju pengurangan komponen A dalam setiap reaktor dinyatakan
dengan :


Susunlah persamaan neraca massa untuk keempat reaktor dan tentukan

konsentrasi (CAi) yang keluar dari tiap reaktor.
(skor : 75)

3. Dalam menghadapi harga bahan bakar yang tinggi dan ketidapastian pasokan
dari bahan bakar tertentu, banyak perusahaan mengoperasikan dua tungku
pembakar, satu dengan gas alam dan yang lain dengan minyak bakar. Untuk
RAMAD Corp., setiap tungku pembakar mempunyai pasokan oksigen sendiri;
tungku pembakar minyak menggunakan suatu aliran gas yang beranalisis: O2
20%; N2 76% dan CO2 4% tetapi gas cerobong naik ke cerobong biasa. Lihat
Gambar 1.
Selama badai salju, semua transportasi menuu RAMAD Corp. Putus, dan para
pekerja khawatir tentang penipisan persediaan minyak bakar karena
pasokan gas alam sedang pada laju maksimum yang mungkin. Persediaan
minyak bakar hanya 560 bbl. Berapa jam perusahaan tersebut dapat
beroperasi sebelum ditukar jika tak ada minyak bakar tambahan yang dapat
diperoleh? Berapa lbmol/hr gas alam yang dikonsumsi? Beban pemanasan
minimum untuk perusahaan tersebut ketika mengubah menjadi keluaran gas
cerobong adalah 6205 lbmol/hr dari gas ceroong kering. Analisis bahan
bakar dan gas cerobong pada waktu ini adalah:
Gambar 1

(Gravitas Gas
Gas Alam (%mol)
API= 24,0) Cerobong
CH4 96% C 50% N2 84,93%
C2H2 2% H2 47% O2 4,13%
CO2 2% S 3% CO2 10,84%
SO2 0,10%

Berat molekul dari minyak bakar adalah 7,91 lb/lbmol dan densitasnya
adalah 7,578 lb/gal. (1 gal= 7,578 lb; 1 bbl= 42gal)

Poin 80
4. The elementary reaction
A  B + C
Is carried out in CSTR (Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor). Pure A enters
the reactor at flow rate 13 mol/s and a temperature 25°C. The reaction is
exothermic and cooling water at 20°C is used to absorb the heat generated.
The energy balance for this system assuming constant heat capacity and
equal heat capacity of both sides of reaction, can be written as

-FA0X∆HR = FA0 CPA (T-T0) + UA (T-Ta)

FA0 = Molar flow rate, 13 mol/s

X = Conversion
∆HR = Heat of reaction, -1500 J/mol
CPA = Heat capacity of A, 4500 J/mol K
T = Reactor temperature, °C
T0 = Reference temperature, 25°C
Ta = Cooling water temperature, 20°C
U = Overall heat coefficient, 420 W/m2.K
A = Heat transfer area, 20 m2
For first order reaction conversion can be calculated from

X = τk / (1 + τk)

Where τ = 10 s, is residence time and k is reaction rate (s-1) defined by

Arrhenius formula

K = 650 exp [-3800/(T+273)]

Your fellow engineer who works in control instrument asked you to check
the current since transducer inside the reactor has a problem to read the
temperature. Current relation with temperature parameter in manual book is
shown in table below

No Temperature Current (mA)

1 0 0
2 5 0.24
3 10 0.71
4 15 1.43
5 20 1.92
6 25 2.34
7 30 2.88
8 35 3.27
9 40 3.90
10 45 4.24
11 50 4.96
12 55 5.11
13 60 5.85

Please help your fellow engineer so it can work to fix the transducer
inside the reactor by calculating the temperature and current manually

(poin 80)

5. Nuclear energy is an alternative energy to replace fossil fuels, where

this energy utilizes a chain reaction. A chain reaction is a series of
fission reactions that occur spontaneously, caused by the neutrons
released from the previous fission reaction reacting again with other
nuclei. Assume the following reaction is a nuclear energy chain

The rate constant for the reaction is indicated by k1 and k2. The chain
reaction produces a final product C and an intermediate product B with
the following reaction rate equation:

a) CA, CB, CC = Concentration of A, B, C
b) k1=3 s-1 ; k2=1 s-1
c) The initial concentrations of materials A,B,C are 2 mol/m3, 0
mol/m3, 0 mol/m3

Determine the concentrations of A, B, C as a function of time and

calculate their concentrations at t=10s and t=80s. Make a graph between
concentration and time, then give a conclusion based on the results of
graph observations.
( Poin 70 )

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