Outline Spesifikasi Material MEP UPI

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

1. Peralatan Utama Paket Hydran :
1.1 Diesel Fire Standard SNI/NFPA-20, UL FM approved SPP-PUMP, ITT AC-Pump USA
Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) FIREBANK MOURSE USA
Jenis Horizontal Split Cassing
RPM/Pole 3.000/2 Pole

1.2 Electric Fire Standard SNI/NFPA-20, UL FM approved SPP-PUMP, ITT AC-Pump USA
Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) FIREBANK MOURSE USA
Jenis Horizontal Split Cassing
RPM/Pole 3.000/2 Pole

1.3 Jockey Standard SNI/NFPA-20, UL FM approved SPP-PUMP, ITT AC-Pump USA

Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) FIREBANK MOURSE USA
Jenis In Line Centrifugal
RPM/Pole 3.000/2 Pole

1.4 Panel Kontrol Standard SNI/NFPA-20, UL FM approved FIRE TROLL, METRON USA
Kelengpakan Sesuai yang dipersyaratkan SNI dan TORNATEK Singapura
DPK Setempat

2. Instalsi & Peralatan Kontrol Valve :

2.1 Instalasi Pipa Hydran Standard SNI/BS BAKRIE, SPS Ind (Lokal)
Jenis/Class BSP Sched.40 PPI, SPINDO Ind (Lokal)
Finishing Sinkromat & Fainting ICI, DANAGLOSS Ind (Lokal)

2.2 Instalasi Pipa Sprinkler Standard SNI/BS BAKRIE, SPS Ind (Lokal)
Jenis/Class BSP Sched.40 PPI, SPINDO Ind (Lokal)
Finishing Sinkromat & Fainting ICI, DANAGLOSS Ind (Lokal)

2.3 Boks Hydran Standard SNI/NFPA/DPK-Setempat VIKING, HOSEKI USA/ Ind (Lokal)
Kelengkapan (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) CHUBB German
Class 16 BAR
Type/dimensi Rekomendasi Arsitektur/Direksi

2.4 Hydran Pillar Class 16 BAR VIKING, HOOSEKI, CHUBB USA/ Ind (Lokal)

2.5 Siamesse Class/Material 16 BAR/Brash VIKING, HOOSEKI, CHUBB USA/ Ind (Lokal)

2.6 Pemadam Api Ringan Standard SNI YAMATO, CHUBB, HOOSEKI Jepang/Ind(Lokal)
Jenis/kapsitas Chemichal Multi Porfuse/6kg
Kelengkapan Dudukan Penggantung dan cover (rumah)
yang harus rekomendasi dari Arsitektur

2.7 Head Sprinkler Standard SNI/NFPA VIKING, VICTOLIC USA

Jenis - Pendant : ruang umum
- Wall : kamar hotel
- Up-right : area parkir
Suhu Leleh + 57 derajat C.
Orifice 15 mm
k. Factor 5,65
Bahan Stainless Steel

2.8 Peralatan kontrol valve : Standard/Class SNI/16 BAR

- Flexible Joint TOZEN, AFA-FLEX Malaysia
- Check Valve KITZ, TOYO Japan
- Gate Valve KITZ, TOYO Japan
- Ball Valve KITZ, TOYO Japan
- Pressure Gauge NAGANO, WISE Japan
- Pressure Reducing Valve SOCLA, YUTA, SINGER Thailand
- Alarm Check Valve VICTOLIC, VIKING USA


1. Peralatan Utama :
1.1 Pompa Air Bersih Standar SNI/JIS/BS GAE-TORISHIMA Japan-Ind
Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) EBARA-(indobara) Japan-Ind
Jenis - Centrifugal Multi Stage, Pakage
RPM//Pole - 1.500 /3phasa - 4 kutub(pole)
- Check Valve dari Jenis Silent Type

1.2 Pompa Kuras/Sumpit Standar SNI/JIS/BS GAE-TORISHIMA Japan-Ind

Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) EBARA-(indobara) Japan-Ind
Jenis - Submersible Groundfosh German-Ind
- Stainless Steel Body
RPM//Pole - 1.500 /3phasa - 4 kutub(pole)

1.2 Pompa Kuras Sewage Pit Standar SNI/JIS/BS GAE-TORISHIMA Japan-Ind

Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) EBARA-(indobara) Japan-Ind
Jenis - Submersible (Cutter Impeller) Groundfosh German-Ind
- Stainless Steel Body
RPM//Pole - 1.500 /3phasa - 4 kutub(pole)

1.3 Pompa Booster Standar SNI/JIS/BS GAE-TORISHIMA Japan-Ind

Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) EBARA-(indobara) Japan-Ind
Jenis - In Line Centrifugal Groundfosh German-Ind
- Packaged System
RPM//Pole - 1.500 /3phasa - 4 kutub(pole)
- Check Valve dari Jenis Silent Type

1.3 Roof Tank Standar SNI/JIS/BS ENDURO Ind (Lokal)

Kapasitas/Head (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) WHALE FRP Ind (Lokal)
Jenis - Module Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic UTAMA Ind (Lokal)
Kontruksi - Rekomendasi Pabrik/Struktur

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

Control System - Water Level Control

2. Instalsi & Peralatan Kontrol Valve :

2.1 Instalasi Air Bersih Standar SNI RUCIKA-WAVIN, PLARON Ind
Jenis PVC
Class JIS
Fitting - fitting JIS, out ke kran drat logam

2.2 Instalasi Pipa Air Kotor & Drainase Standar SNI

Class/Jenis AW/PVC RUCIKA, PRALON, WAVIN Ind (Lokal)
Fitting - fitting PVC TSK, RUCIKA, PRALON Ind (Lokal)
Cash Iron (joint vetikal ke horizontal) TIGER, XING-XING ex. China

2.3 Peralatan kontrol valve : Standar/Class SNI/16 BAR

- Floating Valve SOCLA, YUTA Thailand
- Foot Valve Strainer SOCLA, YUTA Thailand
- Flexible Joint TOZEN, AFA-FLEX Malaysia
- Check Valve TYPE SILENT KITZ, TOYO Japan
- Gate Valve KITZ, TOYO Japan
- Ball Valve KITZ, TOYO Japan
- Baterfly Valve KITZ, TOYO Japan
- Pressure Gauge NAGANO Japan
- Pressure Switch JHONSON Australia


1. Paket Pengolah Standar SNI PT. Tirta Jaya Berdikari Ind (Lokal)
Jenis Bio Septic Tank PT. Farmel Cahaya Ind (Lokal)
Kapasitas (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) PT. BIOTECH International Ind (Lokal)


1. Unit Utama AC dan Ventilasi :
1.1 VRF Sistem Standard SNI DAIKIN Jepang/Thailand
Kapasitas (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) TOSHIBA
LG Korea

1.5 Intake dan Exhaust Fan Kapasitas Sesuai Dokumen Perencanaan PANASONIC Japan-Malaysia
Exhaust Toilet & Pressurized
fan dan Exhaust Fan (Parkir) ROSENBERG, WOOD German/UK
Static Pressure Sesuai Schedule Perencanaan
Daya/RPM 380V, 3Phase, 50 Hz/1500

2. Saluran Udara dan Perlengkapannya

2.1 Ducting Instalasi AC Standard SNI LOKFORM, SARANA Ind (Lokal)
Jenis Material BJLS
Isolasi Glass Wool AB WOOL, ACI Malaysia
Density - Tebal 24 kg/m3 - 2Inch

2.2 Ducting Ventilasi Standard SNI LOKFORM, SARANA Ind (Lokal)

Jenis BJLS Tanpa Isolasi

2.3 Isolasi Pipa Standard SNI ARMA-FLEX, INSU-FLEX Malaysia

Material Closed Cell Elastomeric Rubber THERMA-FLEX Malaysia

2.4 Kelengkapan :
- Grille / Difusher Material Alumunium Anodized CONPORT AIR, CATURA, DINAMIS Ind (Lokal)
Bentuk Sesuai Mock up Interior (kamar2) dan Pabrikasi -
persetujuan Direksi.

1. Cubicle MVMDP (tegangan Menengah) Standard SNI/IEC (Rekomendasi Vendor = PLN) ULUSOY Turki-Ind
Type PFA ( SF6) SCHNEIDER German-Ind
Cubical In Coming LBS type + Conecting Switch ABB German-Ind
Cubical Out Going LBS + Conecting Switch
Standar Proteksi IP 62
Short time Raatting 3 Second
Isolator Epoxy Resin & Silicon Rubber

2. Transformator Standard SNI/IEC UNINDO Ind (Lokal)

Type Berpendingin Olie TRAFINDO Ind (Lokal)
Kapasitas (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan)
Nominal Voltage Primer : 20 kV + section Tap ; Sek. 400 V
Material Kabel Tembaga (Cu)
Number of phase 3 + Netral
Frequency 50 Hz
Winding c Dyn-5
Basic Insulation 125 kV
Applied Voltage 50 kV
Efficiency >98%
Impedancy 5%
Kelengapan - Thermal Protection + indicator lamp & busser.
- Over Load & Current Protection.
- Proteksi Terbalik Phasa & Un-Balance.
- Cooling Fan.
- Terminal Grounding.

3. Panel Tegangan Rendah : Standard SNI/PUIL 2011 INDUSTIRA Putra, INDO Teknik, Ind (Lokal)
3.1 LVMDP, SDP, PP/LP, PP Panel Maker Bersertifikat ISO dan Punya Workshop EGA, HASNAPRIMA
Komponen - Circuit Breaker (ACB, MCCB, MCB) SIEMENS, SCHNEIDER, ABB German-Ind
- Magnetic Contactor SIEMENS, SCHNEIDER, ABB German-Ind
- Peralatan Ukur Digital, Interfice (Mode) BAS PowerLogic-SCHNEIDER, SOCOMEC German/France
- Acessories : Conector, Cable Scund, dll. SCHNEIDER, 3M, TRIMEC German
Material Galvanis Steel Sheet Krakatau Steel (KS) ind (Lokal)
Warna Rekomendasi Direksi/Interior.
Thickness min. 1,5 mm (variable thd. dimensi panel).
Finishing Plate 60 micron (min.) Powder Coating/Cat Bakar ICI, DANA GLOSS Ind (Lokal)

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

(rekomendasi Direksi)
Kelengkapan - Kunci Panel : CISA, DEXSON ind (Lokal)
Jenis/bentuk kunci rekomendasi Direksi.
Anak kunci harus dilengkapi "Master Key".

3.2 Panel Ruangan Standard SNI SCHNEIDER, LEGRAND, ABB Ind (Lokal)
Material/Dimensi PVC/Ditentukan berdasarkan breaker yang ter- MK, BOSS Ind (Lokal)
pasang sesuai schedule beban panel dalam
dokumen gambar perencanaan.
Pemasangan Inbow di dinding kamar hotel

4. Kapasitor Bank Standard SNI/PUIL 2011 FRACO, F-COS German

Kapasitas (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan) GRUPPO ENERGIA CAP. (GEC) Italy
Step Unit Rangkaian Module 12 x Kapasitas (kVAR)
Volt/Harmonic 400-512 Volt/max. 20%
Kelengkapan - Automatic Regulator & Reactor
- Circuit Breaker SIEMENS, SCHNEIDER, ABB German
- Peralatan Ukur Digital AEG, SCHNEIDER German
- Power Factor Automatic Controller Standard Merk (Smart Series) -
- Ventilasi ( tambahan Fan) RANESCO, PANASONIC German/Jepang
- Dinding pemisah dgn kubikal panel lain - -
Panel Maker - INDUSTIRA Putra, INDO Teknik, Ind (Lokal)
5. Instalasi Kabel :
5.1 Tegangan Menengah Standard SNI/PUIL 2011 KABELINDO, KABELMETAL Ind (Lokal)
Type Kabel N2XSY SUPREME, VOKSEL Ind (Lokal)
Isolasi XLPE
Rated Voltage Uo/V 12/20 kV

5.2 Tegangan Rendah (TR) Standard SNI/PUIL 2011 KABELINDO, KABELMETAL Ind (Lokal)
Conductor Material Copper
Insulation PVC
Nominal Voltage 500 V, 0,6/1 kV

5.3 Tahan Api (Fire Resistant) Standard SNI/PUIL 2011/IEC/BS LAPP CABLE German/Ind (Lokal)
Type Kabel Sesuai Schedule Data Gb. Perencanaan SWAN CABLE, DATWYLER China-Singapura
Conductor Material Stranded Copper finishing timah
Insulation Mica dassed fire, Polyester tape & XLPE
Nominal Voltage 500 V, 0,6/1 kV
Ketahanan Suhu - 950 derajat C (dalam waktu 3 jam)
- Dilengkapi Bukti Sertifikat Tes

6. Saklar, Outlet Daya (Receptacle) Standard SNI/PUIL 2011 MK, SCHENEIDER ind(Lokal)
Voltage Rating 250/380V PANASONIC, BOSS Malaysia-Ind
Ampere Rating 10/16A
Type/Model Recessed Mounted/Rekomendasi Direksi Perencana Interior

7. Conduit & Accesories Standard SNI/PUIL 2011 CLIPSAL, MK, EGA, BOSS Ind (Lokal)
Material PVC High Impac (fire protected)

8. Rak Kabel dan Kabel Leader Standard SNI TRI ABADI , INTERACK, SPECTRA Ind (Lokal)
Material Hot dip Galvanized Steel Krakatau Steel (KS) Ind (Lokal)
Finishing Powder Coating (Cat Bakar), 60 micron min.
Kelengkapan - Penggantung dan Perkuatan.
- Conenting Tray/Leader.
- Cover Kabel dari Ceiiling ke Panel harus
menggunakan material yang sama.
(Merk yang disetujui Direksi)

9. Armature Lampu Standard SNI

Jenis Armature Inbow LED 2x19 Watt, Batten LED 1x28 Watt LELCO, PHILIPS, PANASONIC Ind (Lokal)- China
Material Steel Sheet Krakatau Steel (KS) Ind (Lokal)
Thickness 0,7 mm (finish Powder Coating/Cat Bakar)
Dilengkapi dengan Reflector type M5
Komponen :
- Type Lamp Color Temperatur sesuai Pemberi Tugas GEPHILIPS, PANASONIC -
- Replector Allumunium M5 (Luminance Control/OLC) PHILIPS DESIGN -

Jenis Armature Down Light, dan Baret PHILIPS, GE, PANASONIC Ind (Lokal)
Material Allumunium Powder Coating dan berfungsi
sebagai pendingin LED, dan Cover Acrillic
Komponen :
- Balast Rangkaian Electronic (Include Cassing) PHILIPS, GE, PANASONIC -
- Lampu LED, Color Temperatur sesuai Pemberi Tugas PHILIPS, GE, PANASONIC -
- Warna Sinar Warm/Natural (Rekomendasi Direksi)

10. Rangkaian Elektronik Lampu Emergency Standard SNI SANCOM, HITS Singapura
Back up Time 4 Jam, dengan beban lampu terpasang. LEGRAND, MK Malaysia
Jenis Batere Ni-ion, Ni-cad (Batere Kering)
Beban Lampu T5, LED


1. Unit Utama
- Engine Standar SNI/Euro Standar CUMMINS-ONAN UK
Kapasitas Sesuai Gambar Rencana (500 kVA Prime) MTU-KOHLER German-Singapura
Generator Output 400V/230V + 5%
Selinder 16 - 20
Jenis Silent

- Alternator Type Generator Sinkron APK, MARATHON USA

Tegangan Output 400V/230V, 50Hz STAMFORD UK
Kelas Isolasi F
Daya Output Sesuai Gambar Rencana

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

Power Factor 0,8

2. Panel Kontrol Panel Maker Panel Maker Paket Unit -

Peralatan Kontrol - Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) & AMF SOCOMEC, DEEPSEA France/Singapura
- Circuit Breaker MOULLER, SCHEIDER, SIEMENS, ABB German
3. Peralatan Bantu
3.1 Silencer Attenuator Standar SNI Licent (setara) NAF USA/Lokal
Jenis Silencer

3.2 Isolasi Dinding (Sound Proof) Standar SNI AB WOOL, ACI Malaysia
Komposisi Sesuai gambar rencana : Malaysia
- Rock Wool dengan perekat
- Glass Clot
- Perkuatan Ram Ayam
- Pelapis akhir (finish) berupa
Alumunium Perporated
Density 100 kg/m3-Tebal 2 inch
3.3 Knalpot Genset Standar SNI Standar Merk -
Jenis Critical Silencer
Pelindung Instalasi Allumunium Sheet tebal = 2 mm

3.4 Instalasi Pipa Bahan Bakar Standar SNI BAKRIE, PPI, SPINDO Ind (Lokal)
Jenis Black Steel Pipe Schedule 40
3.5 Pompa Bahan Bakar :
- Manual (Engkol) Standar SNI - Ex. Korea
Jenis Gear Pump Ex. China
- Electric Pump Standar SNI Ebara-Indobara Japan/Indonesia
Jenis Gear Pump GAE-Thorishima China-Taiwan
Kapasitas Sesuai Gambar Rencana
Power/Daya 380/220V, 1Phasa, 50Hz.

3.6 Exhaust Fan Ventilasi Standar SNI Rosenberg German

(Ruang Genset) Jenis Heavy Duty (Type khusus untuk Wood UK
tahan terhadap udara panas) Panasonic Japan
Power/Daya 380/220V, 3Phasa, 50Hz.

3.7 Batere Standar SNI GS, YUASA Japan-Lokal

Jenis Batere Kering (Rekomendasi merk Genset)
Kapasitas Sesuai Gambar Rencana
Kelengkapan - Rangkaian kontrol alarm untuk
indikator pengisian arus batere

3.8 Kabel Tray/Leader Standar SNI TRI ABADI, INTERACK Lokal

Material Plat Baja finish Powder Coating SPECTRA

3.9 Kabel Power Instalasi Standar SNI/PUIL 2011 VOKSEL, SUPREME, TRANKA, KABELINDO Lokal
Jenis NYY, NYA

3.10 Ducting Ventilasi Ruangan Standar SNI LOKFORM, SARANA Lokal

Jenis BJLS


1. Lift (Transfortasi Vertikal) Standar SNI Ex. MITSUBISHI Thailand
Jenis Traksi
Kapasitas (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan)
Fungsi Passanger & Service (Firemen)
Kelengkapan - Sesuai Gambar Perencanaan
- Automatic Resque Device (ARD)
- Lengkapi Socket Access Control (Card-RFID)
- Sangkar Stainless Steel
- Komunikasi Intercome Emergency
- Over Load Alarm & Proteksi
- Jamp Proteksi.
1. Master Central Fire Alarm (MFACP) Standard SNI/IEC SIEMENS, ESSER German
Type Semi Adresable NOHMI Jepang
Capasity Zone (Schedule Gambar Perencanaan), NOTIFIER, KIDDE USA
Expandible (Tambahan Slot), minimal untuk
pengembangan 25 % beban zone tambahan.
Kelengkapan Assesories - Indicator LED, penunjukan zoning & kejadian.
- Alarm system & Indicator Lamp.
- Back up Batere (Ni Cad) = 4 jam
- Wall Mounted Bracket.
- Kabel Instalasi Catu Daya Listrik.
- Arrester dan grounding system.
- Manual Book, Petunjuk Operasi & Perawatan.
2. Anunciator Panel Type Idem (sama dengan penjelasan diatas).
3. Kelengkapan Peralatan Instalasi,
3.1 Detector :
- Optical Smoke Detector Radius Detector 80 m2
- Fixed Temperature Detector 40 m2
- Gas Detector 40 m
- Rite of Rise (ROR). 80 m2
Spesifikasi :
Operating Voltage 16 - 32 VDC
Quiescent Current 45 micro Ampere
Ingress Protection IP-40
Operating Temp. Optical = -20 to + 60 0C
Fixed = -20 to + 72 C
Rate of Rise = 45 to 64 0C, 5 0C/min
Kelengkapan - Paralel LED + cassing/armature,
khusus untuk kamar - kamar hotel.
3.2 Audible & Visual Alarm :

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

- Manual Call Point + Break Glass Type Pre Signal Alarm

- Visual Alarm Type Intensity Flash Light with
Electronic Flash light in Hydrant Box
- Audible Alarm Type Bell (Attenuation = 100 dB at 1 meter)
Operating Voltage 24 VDC

3.3 Cabel Instalation,

- Ke Peralatan Detektor Type NYAFHY (2 x 1,5 mm 2) SUPREME, VOKSEL, JEMBO Ind (Lokal)
- Kabel Utama antar Panel Lantai dan Type FRC (3 x 2,5 mm 2) LAPP CABLE , SWAN, DATWYLER Singapura
dalam Shaft ke Panel Utama (FACP)
3.4 Conduit Material PVC High Impac (fire protected) CLIPSAL, EGA, MK, BOSS Ind (Lokal)
3.5 Terminal Box Fire ( TBF ) Standard SNI/Sesuai Merk. - -
- Input & Output Module Kelengkapan - Wall Mounted Bracket. - -
- Operating Voltage 24 VDC - -
- Operating Temp, 0 - + 49 0C
- Indicator Lamp, Steady & Pulse Output.
- Resistor Shunt, impendansi loop instalasi yang - -
terpasang dishaft (sesuai gambar rencana).


1. Panel OLT (Optical Line Terminal) Standard SNI/ITU Standard Vendor Ind (Lokal)
Kapasitas Line Sesuai schedule gambar perencanaan, expandible
pengembangan 25 % dari kapasitas terpasang.
Line Input Server Vendor.
Kelengkapan - Package Patch cord Server ke OLT.
- Terminal hubung Serat Optic dengan jumlah
sesuai schedule perencanaan.
- Converter Serat Optic ke CAT 6
- Terminal dan unit Surge Arrester.

2. IP-PABX/Key Phone Standard SNI PANASONIC Japan-Ind

Kapasitas Schedule Gambar Perencanaan, & ditambahkan (Sesuai Exsisting yang terpasang)
expandible slot untuk pengembangan 25% dari
kapasitas terpasang.
Inline PTT Sesuai Schedule Gambar Perencanaan
Kelengkapan (Assesories)- Analog, Digital & IP Extentions
- Cordless Extentions
- Analog, Digital & IP Trunks
- Telecomunication Interfaces, 64 kbit/second
- Teleconprence Keyphone.
- Harmonic filter, Power Failure Protection.
- Paging, Music on hold, background misic
- Back up Batere (NiCad) = 2 jam
- Wall Mounted Bracket.
- Patch cord Package RJ-11/45, CAT-6 Cable.
- Converter FO to CAT-6.
- Arrester dan grounding system.
- Panel :
- Terminal Kabel Jenis Jepit.
- Terminal Line Masuk Telepon.
- Kabel Feeder, line dari Panel ke PABX.
3. Kelengkapan System,
3.1 Furniture Set Meja & Kursi Bahan dan model rekomendasi Pengawas/MK Pabrikasi Mebel
3.2 Personal Komputer Central Prossesing Unit Package DELL, HP, LENOVO USA
- Main Prossesor : Intel i-7 Intel USA
- Main Board : Hyper Trading support. Intel USA
Kelengkapan :
- Harddisk : SATA 1 Tbyte/12000-20000 rpm SEGATE, FUJITSHU, TOSHIBA Thailand/Singapura
- CD Room : 32 x Standard Merk
Blue Ray, DVD, Bata dan Tulis (R & W)
- RAM Type DDR 3 : 8 Gbyte + SSD 16 Gb. Standard Merk
- VGA Card : 32 Gb. Standard Merk
- KeyBoard : PS2 Socket Standard Merk
- Mouse : PS2 Socket Standard Merk
- Cassing : Server Type + Blower Fan Standard Merk
Perangkat Lunak (Software) :
- Microsoft Windows (License)
- Paket Shoftware Management Hotel, disesuaikan
dengan Operator Hotel (termasuk paket).
Monitor LED Monitor 19 " Standard Merk -
Output Video : XVGA Resolution
Kelengkapan (Assesories) :
- Stand Desk Monitor.
- Socket : RGB Video, HDMI
- Package Patch cord RGB Video Cable.
- Package Patch cord HDMI Cable.
- Output Power : 220v/1phase/50Hz.
3.3 Switching HUB Standard SNI, ITU, IEEE CISCO, HP USA
Type High Speed (Managable), Catalis 3750G/12S/S
- Port Extention Sesuai gambar perencanaan
- Socket RJ-45, Suport CAT-6 Cable.
- Supplay, 220V/1 Phase/50 Hz.

3.4 Router + Converter Standard SNI, ITU, IEEE CISCO, HP USA

Type High Speed Managable, CCR 1009/7G/1C/1S+PC
- Socket RJ-45, Suport CAT-6 Cable & FO.
- Supplay, 220V/1 Phase/50 Hz.

3.5 Access Point Standard SNI, ITU, IEEE Rekomendasi : CISCO, HP USA
Type - 360 derajat dgn radius receiver minimal 100 meter
- High Speed Receiver

3.6 Printer Standard SNI EPSON, XEROX-BROTHER, HP Jepang

Type Dot Matrix, 24 pin. Format Kertas A3
Kelengkapan (Assesories) Package Patch cord Cable AC

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

4 Kelengkapan Peralatan Instalasi,

4.1 Terminal Box Telepone ( TBT ) Pabrikasi - Sesuai (Standar) Merk Ind (Lokal)
4.2 Socket Telephone Outlet Type Ressed Wall mounted, UTP(RJ-11/45) MK, BERKER, SCHNEIDER, BOSS Australia, Malaysia
4.3 Telephone Handset : -
- Standard Ruang/Kamar Standard SNI Sesuai (Standar) Merk
Type/Kelengkapan - Digital (LCD indicator)
- Memory Telp. Nomber channel : 10 line.
- Lampu Indicator Calling.
- Socket RJ-11 & RJ-45
- Ruang Resepsionis Standard SNI Sesuai (Standar) Merk
Type/Kelengkapan - Digital (LCD indicator)
- Memory Telp. Nomber channel : 20 line.
- Lampu Indicator Calling.
- Socket RJ-11 & RJ-45
- Terminal Jumper ke expandible memory
penambahan nomor telepon.

4.4 Cabel Instalation,

- Jalur Utama Vendor (TELKOM) Type Fiber Optic, lengkap patch cord dan converter Rekomendasi Vendor (TELKOM) -
- Dalam Bangunan Type RV(PE)-P, Steel-K 007 (4 x 0,6 mm2), Cat-6 SUPREME, VOKSEL, TRANKA Ind (Lokal)
4.5 Conduit Material PVC High Impac (fire protected) CLIPSAL, EGA, MK, BOSS -
4.6 Switching Optical Network Unit (ONU) Standard SNI/Vendor (TELKOM) Rekomendasi Vendor (TELKOM)
Type Standard Vendor
Kelengkapan - Wall Mounted Bracket.
- Supply, 220V/1 Phase/50 Hz.
- Packege Patch cord RJ-45/CAT-6 Cable. Rekomendasi Vendor (TELKOM)
- Converter : FO to CAT-6 (8 x 0,6 mm2) Rekomendasi Vendor (TELKOM)

4.7 Rack Unit Type U32 & U6 Rekomendasi Merk

Kelengkapan - Fan untuk ventilasi
- Terminal grounding + Arrester
- Blank Panel
Note Rack utama (U32) terpasang di ruang kontrol, untuk :
- HUB Switch utama, Catalis 3750G/12S/S
- HUB IP-Phone
Rack lantai (U6) terpasang di ruang fungsi dan panel :
- ONU-Data


1. Sentral tata Suara Standard SNI BOSCH, PHILIPS Gemna-Korea/Holand
Peralatan Utama : TOA, PANASONIC Jepang/Malaysia
Power Amplifier Sesuai Schedule Gambar Perencanaan Standard Merk
Network Controller Mixer Analog Standard Merk
System Manager paging dengan kelengkapan,
- BUS Channel
- Audio Input, Audio Output.
- Priority Control.
- Contact Input, Contact Output.
- Event Log. & Failure Log.
Surveillance Board :
Audio Input Unit Standard Merk
Audio Output Unit Standard Merk
Control Input Unit Standard Merk
Control Output Unit Standard Merk
Auto Announcet Machine Standard Merk/DPK
Mic/Line Input Module Standard Merk
Stereo Select Input ModuleStandard Merk
Failure Indicator Panel Standard Merk
Interpace Fire Alarm

2. Rack Cabinet Central Audio Kelengkapan - Panel Monitoring, Standard Merk

Decible Meter & Speaker Indicator.
Power Switch Panel.
Perforated Panel.
Blank Panel.
- Panel Selector Switch Speaker.
- Assesories,
Package Socket & Cable.
Rack Mounting Breckets.
Blower Unit.
- Arrester & Grounding System.
3. Kelengkapan System,
3.1 Furniture Set Meja & Kursi Bahan dan model rekomendasi Pengawas/MK Pabrikasi Mebel
3.2 Personal Komputer Central Prossesing Unit Package DELL, HP, LENOVO USA
- Main Prossesor : Intel i-7 Intel USA
- Main Board : Hyper Trading support. Intel USA
Kelengkapan :
- Harddisk : SATA 500 Gbyte/12000-20000 rpm SEGATE, FUJITSHU, TOSHIBA Thailand/Singapura
- CD Room : 32 x Standard Merk
Blue Ray, DVD, Bata dan Tulis (R & W)
- RAM Type DDR 3 : 2x4 Gb + SSD 2x12 Gb. Standard Merk
- VGA Card : 32 Gb. Standard Merk
- KeyBoard : PS2 Socket Standard Merk
- Mouse : PS2 Socket Standard Merk
- Cassing : Server Type + Blower Fan Standard Merk
Perangkat Lunak (Software) :
- Microsoft Windows (License)
- Management Paging & Evacuation
- Music.
Monitor LED Monitor 19 " Standard Merk -
Output Video : XVGA Resolution

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

Kelengkapan (Assesories) :
- Stand Desk Monitor.
- Socket : RGB Video, HDMI
- Package Patch cord RGB Video Cable.
- Package Patch cord HDMI Cable.
- Output Power : 220V/1phase/50Hz.
3.3 Switching HUB Standard SNI CISCO, HP USA
Type High Speed (Managable), Catalis 3750G/12S/S
- Jumlah Port sesuai gambar perencanaan
- Socket RJ-45, Suport CAT-6 Cable.
- Supply, 220V/1 Phase/50 Hz.
3.4 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Standard SNI, IEC RIELLO, AROS, MG Italia/Frace
Power Input : 2000 VA/1340 Watt CLORIDE, SALICRU Spanyol
Input/output Voltage Rate : 230 VAC ( + 20%)
Spesifikasi - Auto restrat at power up.
- Automatic Batere Test Feature.
- Harmonic Filter.
- High Level Immunity Surge, Min. 6 kV.
- Waveform : Sinewave.
- Frequncy : 50Hz.
- Noise : < 40 dBA.
- Batere : Free Maintenance (Sealed Lead-acid)
- Recharge Time : Max. 8 Jam.
- Protection :
Overload, Short Circuit, Overvoltage,
Undervoltage, Temperature & Low Batere.
- Included Patch cord Cable AC.
4. Kelengkapan Peralatan Instalasi
4.1 Microphone, Standard Merk
- Paging Remote Microphone Type Desk
Lokasi Penempatan Reseption, Lobby (Rekomendasi)
Control Speaker Lines minilal 20 group lines + Expandible Extention.
Kelengkapan Remote Microphone Input Module :
- FM Tone generated chime.
- Terminal/socket input compressor.
- Socket AUX.
- Power Supplay, DC 24Volt.
- Fireman's Microphone Type Wall Mounted
Lokasi Penempatan Security Room (Rekomendasi Pengawas/MK)
Kelengkapan - Bracket Wall Mounting.
- Audio Input Module,
System Manager, Low-cut & high-cut Filter
dan Gain Control.
- Remote Microphone Input Module.
4.2 Speaker, Standard SNI Standard Merk -
- Area Office , Type Ceilling Mounted, Dinamic Cone Speaker.
Input Rated 3 - 6 Watt.
Impendance Rated 3,3 - 1,7 kOhm ( 100V Line)
Frequency Response 55 - 18.000 Hz.
Sensitivity 90 dB ( 1Watt/1 meter)
Armature Material - Grille Allumunium porporated
- High Impact Styrene Resin
Kelengkapan - Matching Transformer.
- Cover Speaker, Animal Protected.
- Terminal terminasi instalasi.
- Area Parkir Type Wall Mounted, Horn Speaker.
Input Rated 15 Watt
Impendance Rated 330 Ohm, 100 V Line
Sensitivity 109 dB ( 1Watt/1 meter)
Frequency Response 330 - 11.000 Hz.
Armature Material - Allumunium Horn Inner & cover. -
- Weatherproof Polyurethane Resin (IP-64)
Kelengkapan - ABS Bracket, Steel Bracket Holder.
- Matching Transformer, Rotary Imp. Selector
- Area Tangga Darurat/Emergency Type Wall Mounted, Dinamic Cone Speaker
Input Rated 3 - 6 Watt.
Impendance Rated 3,3 kOhm.
Sensitivity 97 dB ( 1Watt/1 meter)
Frequency Response 150 - 15.000 Hz.
Armature Material - Grille Allumunium porporated.
- Fireproof, metal coating.
Kelengkapan - Bracket, Stainless Steel.
- Terminal terminasi instalasi.
4.3 Volume Control (Attenuator) Type Resesed Mounted Standard Merk
Input Capasity 6 - 30 Watt (sesuai gambar perencanaan)
Level Volume Control 4 step : 0 (off), 1, 2, 3.
Material ABS Resin.
Dimension Standard Merk.
4.4 Cable Instalation, Standard SNI/PUIL BELDEN, VOKSEL, SUPREME Ind (Lokal)
- Dalam Bangunan Type NYAFHY 3x1,5 mm 2
- Dalam Shaft Panel ke Panel Type NYMHY 3x2,5 mm2
- Shaft Tangga Darurat (Emergency) Type FRC 3x2,5 mm2 & 2x1,5 mm2 LAPP CABLE, SWAN, DATWYLER Singapura
4.5 Conduit Material PVC High Impac (fire protected) CLIPSAL, MK, EGA, BOSS Australia
4.6 Terminal Box Sound ( TBS ) Pabrikasi - Standard Merk -

D. Close Circuit Television (CCTV)

1. Peralatam Utama, Standard SNI GANZ, SANYO, BOSCH Japan/Korea
1.1 Video Managers Type Digital System (IP) PANASONIC, SAMSUNG Japan/Korea
Kelengkapan - Input port : 16 Chanel.
- Socket Type : RCA, HDMI, RGB Video, USB
- 400 Image per Second.
- Web Access.
- MPEG4 Compression Format.
- Network Interpices.
- Client Remote Software.

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

- Recording Resolution Min. 1024 x 768 (4CIF)

- Windows Operating System (min. Windows 7)
- Output power : 220V/1 Phase/50Hz.
1.2 Network Video Recorder (NVR) Standard SNI GANZ, SANYO, BOSCH Japan/Korea
Functionality Pentaplex Operating System (Standard Merk) PANASONIC, SAMSUNG Japan/Korea
Output Video XVGA 1024 x 768
Compression Format MPEG-4 (Modified)
Recording Speed (PAL) 400 @CIF
Kelengkapan - Archiving : USB Devices
- HDD Capasity : 2 Tbyte ( 40 hari back up data) SEGATE, FUJITSHU, TOSHIBA Thailand/Singapura
- Web Access.
- MPEG4 Compression Format.
- Recording Resolution Min. 1024 x 768 (4CIF)
- Windows Operating System (min. Windows 7)
dan Linux.
- Output power : 220V/1 Phase/50Hz.
1.3 Keyboard Bila dilengkapi Type Digital & Track Ball Positions Standard Merk
1.4 Video Monitor Type Sesuai Gambar Rencana Standard Merk
Spesifikasi Output Video : XVGA Resolution
Kelengkapan (Assesories) :
- Wall Mounted Bracket
- Socket : RGB Video, HDMI
- Package Patch cord RGB Video Cable.
- Package Patch cord HDMI Cable.
- Output Power : 220V/1phase/50Hz.
2. Kelengkapan System,
2.1 Furniture Set Meja & Kursi Bahan dan model rekomendasi Pengawas/MK Pabrikasi Mebel
2.2 Personal Komputer Central Prossesing Unit Package DELL, HP, LENOVO USA
- Main Prossesor : Intel i-7 Intel USA
- Main Board : Hyper Trading support. Intel USA
Kelengkapan :
- Harddisk : SATA 2 Tbyte/12000-20000 rpm SEGATE, FUJITSHU, TOSHIBA Thailand/Singapura
- CD Room : 32 x Standard Merk
Blue Ray, DVD, Baca dan Tulis (R & W)
- RAM Type DDR 3 : 2x4 Gb + SSD 2x12 Gb. Standard Merk
- VGA Card : 32 Gb. Standard Merk
- KeyBoard : PS2 Socket Standard Merk
- Mouse : PS2 Socket Standard Merk
- Cassing : Server Type + Blower Fan Standard Merk
Perangkat Lunak (Software) :
- Microsoft Windows (License)
- Program Operation System CCTV.
2.3 Switching HUB Standard SNI CISCO, HP USA
Type High Speed (Managable),
- Port Extention sesuai gambar rencana
- Socket RJ-45, Suport CAT-6 Cable.
- Supply, 220V/1 Phase/50 Hz.
2.4 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Standard SNI, IEC RIELLO, AROS, MG Italia/Frace
Power Input : 2000 VA/1340 Watt CLORIDE, SALICRU Spanyol
Input/output Voltage Rate : 230 VAC ( + 20%)
Spesifikasi - Auto restrat at power up.
- Automatic Batere Test Feature.
- Harmonic Filter.
- High Level Immunity Surge, Min. 6 kV.
- Waveform : Sinewave.
- Frequncy : 50Hz.
- Noise : < 40 dBA.
- Batere : Free Maintenance (Sealed Lead-acid)
- Recharge Time : Max. 8 Jam.
- Protection :
Overload, Short Circuit, Overvoltage,
Undervoltage, Temperature & Low Batere.
- Included Patch cord Cable AC.
2.5 Printer Standard SNI EPSON, CANON, HP Jepang/USA
Type Deskjet Multi Fuction (Scan & Copy), Format A4.
Kelengkapan (Assesories) - Package Patch cord Cable AC
- Power Supply AC/DC
3. Kelengkapan Peralatan Instalasi,
3.1 Camera Standard SNI GANZ, SANYO, BOSCH Japan/Korea
Type Colors Fixed Dome Camera. (Day & Night) PANASONIC, SAMSUNG Japan/Korea
Mounts on Wall or Ceilling.
Spesifikasi Lenses dia. : 6 mm, high resolution.
Video Output, 1,0 Vpp, 75 Ohm.
Adjustable camera viewing position :
0 0 0
- 360 Horizonla, 70 Vertical, 360 rotation.
- Phase Adjust Range : 3300
Conector Video Out : BNC Type
Aktive Pucture Elements , PAL & NTSC
Resolution Quality : Full HD 1920 x 1080.
Included package Power Supply AC/DC.

Type Long Cassing Colors Fixed Camera (Day & Night)

Spesifikasi Lenses : 10x AF Megapixel (f =6,3 to 63 mm).
Mounts on Wall or Ceilling.
Resolution Quality : Full HD 1920 x 1080.
Aktive Pucture Elements , PAL & NTSC
Conector Video Out : BNC & HDMI
Electronic Shutter : Long shutter (x1 s/d x32)
Focus Selection : Auto/Manual/One-push.
Included package Power Supply AC/DC.

3.2 Cabel Instalation Standard SNI/IEC LAPP CABLE, DATWYLER Singapura

Type - Video : CAT-6 (8x0,6 mm2) BELDEN, SINAR EWINDO Ind (Lokal)
- Power : NYM/NYMHY 3 x 2,5 mm2
3.4 Assesories Conector Standard SNI/IEC AMPENOL, AMP, LAPP GROUP USA/Singapura

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Standard/Kapasitas Type/Material MERK NEGARA

- Socket & Shoes Cable

3.5 Conduit Standard SNI CLIPSAL, MK, EGA, BOSS Australia
Material PVC High Impac (fire protected)

E. Master Antena Television (MATV)

1. Peralatan Utama Standard SNI PAGOR, TELEVES, IRCO Spanyol
1.1 Antena Yagi Lengkap Penguat Type Sesuai Penjelasan Spesifikasi Teknis

1.2 Amplifier Line Type Amplifier for Terestrial & Satellite. PAGOR, TELEVES, IRCO Spanyol
Spesifikasi - Independent Gain Adjustment for :
- Split Band Amplification.
- 5 - 65 MHz Return Channel.
- High Effeciency Switch Mode Power Supply.

2 Kelengkapan Peralatan Instalasi,

2.1 Splitter Type 2 Way, 4 Way & 8 Way. (Indoor Mounting).
Spesifikasi - Low Loss, Shielded Splitter.
- Screening Factor > 100 dB.
- DC Pass output to input. (1Amp, 24VDC)
- Earth Conection.
- Two screws for wall mounting included.

2.2 Taps Type 2 Output & 4 Output (Indoor Mounting).

Spesifikasi - Low Loss, Shielded Splitter.
- Screening Factor > 100 dB.
- DC Pass output to input. (1Amp, 24VDC)
- DC Block from tap output to input.
- Earth Conection.
- Two screws for wall mounting included.
2.3 Assesories : (Jack, Conector) Standard SNI AMPENOL, AMP, LAPP GROUP USA/Singapura
2.4 Cable Instalation Standard SNI/IEC. BELDEN, SINAR EWINDO, LAPP C. Ind (Lokal)
Type Coaxial Cable, RG 57 (7C-2V) & RG-8.
2.5 Conduit Standard SNI CLIPSAL, MK, EGA, BOSS Australia
Material PVC High Impac (fire protected)

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