Silvia Moreno-Garcia was born and raised in Mexico. She moved to Canada several years ago and now lives in beautiful British Columbia with her family and two cats. She writes specu...lihat lebih banyakSilvia Moreno-Garcia was born and raised in Mexico. She moved to Canada several years ago and now lives in beautiful British Columbia with her family and two cats. She writes speculative fiction (from magic realism to horror). Her short stories have appeared in professional publications such as Fantasy Magazine and Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic Science Fiction. She is a member of SF Canada, SFWA and HWA.
Silvia is the publisher of Innsmouth Free Press, a Canadian micro-publishing venture specializing in horror and dark speculative fiction. The Innsmouth Free Press website features daily non-fiction and tri-annual fiction issues. Innsmouth Free Press publishes several high-quality anthologies and novels during the year.lihat lebih sedikit