中国と台湾の関係が密接になる中で、時に誤解を招く台湾海峡両岸の言葉の相違を解決するために、中国大陸の中国語と台湾の中国語両方を含めた共同辞書Great Chinese Dictionaryが今年完成する。辞書は無料でオンライン検索でき、まず初めに2万8千語を含めた辞書を今年終わりまでに公開し、完全版を2015年に公開することを予定している。この辞書は台湾の馬英九大統領の発案によるものであり、元はChunghua Chinese-Language Thesaurusとも呼ばれていたもので、簡体字と繁体字両方を表示する。この辞書によってどちらの中国語表記が優勢となるかは未知数だが、少なくとも大陸の中国人が繁体字を認識できて書く時には簡体字で書くようになればいいと考えているようだ。
Relations have been improving since 2008 and in the past year, the two former foes have been working on a first-ever joint dictionary that will encompass their different ways of writing and speaking Chinese. The dictionary, named the Great Chinese Dictionary, will be free and put online. A preliminary version containing more than 28,000 commonly used words and phrases will be unveiled by the end of this year, while a more comprehensive version will be available by 2015.
It remains to be seen whether the dictionary, which will be presented in both traditional and simplified Chinese, will have an impact on the two sides' language rift. A lot of material will be in digital form and traditional Chinese can be typed as easily as simplified Chinese. That means mainland Chinese people can read traditional characters and still handwrite using simplified characters, Tsao said.