hrs4r — HR Strategy for Researchers (hrs4r) at UNIURB
Working conditions and recruitment and selection procedures of researchers at all stages of their career (from PhD students to Full Professors)
HR Strategy for Researchers (hrs4r) at UNIURB
On October, 6th 2022, the European Commission approved UniUrb’s endorsement letter to the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, concerning the working conditions and the recruitment and selection procedures of researchers at all stages of their career (from PhD students to Full Professors).
The University, then, committed to embrace the principles of the Charter & Code, to apply them according to its own features and context and to embed them into its own strategic planning, thus starting the process to apply for the “HR Excellence in Research Award”. The award gives public recognition to the quality of the University’s research environment and of the initiatives implemented to support the researchers’ activities and career development.
Thanks to the involvement of the entire academic community of both researchers and administrative staff, the University carried out the analysis of its own internal practices and procedures, and investigated the researchers’ perception concerning the current implementation of the C&C principles, through an internal survey. On the basis of the results of this analysis UniUrb defined an Action Plan, to be implemented in 24 months from the award, aiming to improve the implementation of the C&C principles within the University.
The process has been intentionally participative and constantly shared with all the involved stakeholders, given the conviction that this process interests the whole of UniUrb’s community, and that it represents the chance to comply with the needs of the teaching and research staff, as well as with those of the administrative staff supporting research, education and third mission.
The Initial Phase documents have been approved by the University’s Academic Bodies and sent to the European Commission.
Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment (OTM-R) at UniUrb
The University of Urbino Carlo Bo ensures the respect of the fundamental principles of Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment, as well as the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
UniUrb’ Code of Ethics rejects any form of discrimination on the basis of gender, age, ethnic, national or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, language, disability, political opinion, social or economic condition, and therefore guarantees equal opportunities and equality of treatment to all candidates during recruitment procedures.
Our procedures are open. Job adverts are published on Euraxess and other national platforms and websites in Italian and in English, in order to encourage applications from external candidates, including candidates from abroad.
Applications have to be submitted via the e-recruitment tool PICA, thus keeping administrative burden to a minimum for the candidates. Where applicable, interviews can be held both online and in presence.
Our procedures are transparent. Job adverts provide all the relevant information for preparing the application, such as organisation and recruiting unit; the envisaged researcher career profile (R1-R4), specifying the required competencies, knowledge and professional experience; number of available positions; entitlements (salary, other benefits, etc.); type of contract; deadline for submitting applications.
The information relevant to the selection procedure (appointed selection committee; selection criteria established by the committee;shortlisted candidates; successful candidates) are published on the dedicated section of the institutional website.
Our procedures are merit-based. Selection committees are appointed in order to guarantee that their members have the experience, qualifications and competencies to assess the candidates, consistently with the scientific field of the advertised position. Committees are appointed taking into account gender balance and may include external experts, including international experts. According to National Legislation, assessment is based primarily on research outputs, curriculum vitae, teaching activity and (for R1) on the research project.
PhD Student
The Doctoral degree is the highest qualification in the Italian academic system. PhD students are enrolled in a three-years programme, aiming at training them in research.
Under the supervision of a Senior researcher, they take on their activity on an agreed project, consistently with the Departments’ research fields. PhD candidates obtain the final degree by defending the thesis resulting from their research activity.
In order to be admitted to a PhD programme, it is necessary to submit an application in response to a yearly call for applications. Applicants are assessed on the basis of their qualifications, of their curriculum vitae and, if required, of their research project. Moreover, the selection procedure includes an online interview, also aiming to verify the applicant’s proficiency in the English language. Depending on the call for applications, the selection procedure may include a written test.
Every year, for each Doctoral programme, the University awards three-years scholarships, some of which are set aside for applicants whose degree was conferred by a foreign institution.
In addition to these, the University can assign externally-funded scholarships, i.e. by the Marche region or by European funding.
The call for application, both in Italian and in English, is published every year, usually in May-June, on Euraxess, on the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) website and on the University institutional website at the following link:
Additional information:
Research Fellow
A Research Fellow is a PhD or a Postgraduate holding a scientific/professional CV, allowing them to take on a research activity responding to the Departments’ needs.
Research fellowships (Italian “Assegni di ricerca”) can be advertised until July 31st, 2024.
The qualification required to apply for a Research Fellowship is a PhD or a Master’s degree (corresponding to Italian “Diploma di laurea”; “Laurea specialistica”; “Laurea Magistrale” in accordance with DM 509/99 and DM 270/2004), together with a duly documented scientific/professional CV, consistent with the prospective research activity.
The Research Fellow position can be held for no more than max 6 years, including both renewals and fellowships (“Assegni di ricerca”) held under different funding programmes and/or within different research projects.
Job adverts for these positions are published, both in Italian and in English, on Euraxess, on the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) website and on the University institutional website at the following link:
Fixed-Term Researcher
Tenure-track fixed-term researcher (RTT), position introduced by art. 24 of National Law 240, 30/12/2010.
The researcher is employed for 6 years (“contratto di lavoro subordinato”) and their responsibilities include both research and teaching activities, as well as support and guidance to students.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent), conferred in Italy or abroad, or a medical specialisation. The knowledge of a foreign language is required; foreign applicants have also to demonstrate their knowledge of Italian language.
According to National Law, the University can assess the Fixed-term researcher and appoint them as Associate Professor, in case they have obtained the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – ASN, as described in art. 16 of Law 240 of December 30th, 2010) and provided the availability of the necessary financial resources.
Job adverts for these positions are published, both in Italian and in English, on Euraxess, on the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) website and on the University institutional website at the following link:
Junior Fixed-Term Researcher
It is possible to appoint Junior Fixed-Term Researchers (as described in Art. 24, §3, letter a) of Law 240 of December 30th, 2010) until July 2025.
Junior Fixed-Term Researchers are employed for a period of 3 years (“contratto di lavoro subordinato”), and their contract can be renewed for additional 2 years.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent), conferred in Italy or abroad, or a medical specialisation.
The knowledge of a foreign language is required; foreign applicants have also to demonstrate their knowledge of Italian language.
Job adverts for these positions are published, both in Italian and in English, on Euraxess, on the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) website and on the University institutional website at the following link:
Senior Fixed-Term Researcher
This academic role will soon disappear. However Senior Fixed-Term researchers’ positions can still be advertised, provided the availability of the necessary financial resources.
Senior Fixed-Term researchers (as described in Art. 24, §3, letter b) of Law 240 of December 30th, 2010) are employed for three years.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent), conferred in Italy or abroad, or a medical specialisation.
The knowledge of a foreign language is required; foreign applicants have also to demonstrate their knowledge of Italian language.
Moreover, applicants must have obtained the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – ASN); alternatively, they must demonstrate that they have carried out research activity for at least three years, in Italy or abroad, according to the requirements specified in the call for applications.
Job adverts for these positions are published, both in Italian and in English, on Euraxess, on the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) website and on the University institutional website at the following link:
Associate Professor
This permanent academic position can be held exclusively by researchers holding the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – ASN) correspondent to this role. The National Scientific Qualification aims at attesting the quality and originality of the professors’ research results, such as to certify an established reputation at least on a national level. Further assessment criteria may include the documented ability to coordinate or direct a research group, the ability to attract competitive funding, at least as local unit responsible and the ability to promote technology/knowledge transfer activities.
Selection procedure is also open to:
a) Professors employed as Associate Professors in other University/Research Institutions;
b) Researchers who permanently carry on research or teaching activities in tertiary level HEI, covering roles considered equivalent to that of Associate Professor, in compliance with art. 18, § 1, letter b) of Law 240/2010.
Knowledge of the Italian language is required for foreign candidates.
Job adverts for these positions are published, both in Italian and in English, on Euraxess, on the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) website and on the University institutional website at the following link:
Full Professor
Full Professor is the highest permanent academic position within Italian academic system. This role is assigned through selection procedures, open to researchers holding the National Scientific Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale – ASN) correspondent to this position. The National Scientific Qualification aims at attesting the high quality and originality of the professors’ research results, such as to certify an established reputation on an international level. Further assessment criteria may include the documented ability to direct a research group, also collaborating with international partners; mentoring experience as supervisor of PhD students; the ability to attract competitive funding as PI, particularly in an international context; the ability to promote technology/knowledge transfer activities.
Selection procedure is also open to:
a) Professors employed as Full Professors in other University/Research Institutions;
b) Researchers who permanently carry on research or teaching activities in tertiary level HEI, covering roles considered equivalent to that of Full Professor, in compliance with art. 18, § 1, letter b) of Law 240/2010.
Knowledge of the Italian language is required for foreign candidates.
Job adverts for these positions are published, both in Italian and in English, on Euraxess, on the Ministry for University and Research (MUR) website and on the University institutional website at the following link:
Direct Recruitment
Universities can recruit without a public call for applications (“direct recruitment”) Full Professors, Associate Professors and Fixed-Term Researchers, provided that the appointed figures respect at least one of the following criteria:
a) They have been carrying on teaching or research activity for at least three years in a foreign tertiary level HEI/Research Institute, located abroad or in Italy, covering a position equivalent to the one they are going to be appointed for, in compliance with the guidelines, periodically updated by the Minister of University and Research;
b) they have been successful in specific high-level research programmes, identified with a decree of the Ministry of University and Research, such as: ERC, MSCA, FIS, FISA etc.
- Revised Action Plan – 28/03/2024 – download
- Carta Europea dei Ricercatori e del Codice di condotta per l’assunzione dei Ricercatori – 05/10/2023 – download
- Letter of endorsement – 05/10/2023 – download
- Process Description – 05/10/2023 – download
- OTM-R Checklist – 05/10/2023 – download
- Survey analysis – 05/10/2023 – download
- GAP Analysis – 05/10/2023 – download
- Action Plan – 05/10/2023 – download
- Descrizione del processo volto al riconoscimento del HR Excellence in Research – 05/10/2023 – download