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A member registered Jul 26, 2019

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Great game but not to my tastes.

Love and hate this game, addictive but merciless and incredibly frustrating. Final level has no ending. Which is a shame because I set up an unbeatable defense.

Assuming the "goal" is to create a defense strong enough to survive the final level, this is virtually impossible to do on normal speed. I shouldn't have to slow the game down every 10 seconds just to make it to the last level, much less "win" it.

Too much depends on luck when it comes to level generation. On the first level, with 100% evacuation, I sometimes start the next level with as much as 13k credits, other times as few as 8k. I have never succeeded in evacuating more than 50% of the second level when I started with less than 12k, so obviously this is just bad design.

You need to do way too much micromanaging with the evacuation vehicles. Also, waaay too often, a ship will sit just outside a pod. Especially when you select a group of evacuation ships and move them to a pod (because for some f#$king reason, the ships form an utterly useless 'fleet' shape, which I have literally never wanted, instead of converging on a point).A special pain in the @$# is when you finish evacuating a pod and all the ships cluster at the drop zone, then when you try to select the ships that are just sitting there doing nothing, you have to go around other ships full of passengers. 

I have lost several times because of the idiotic mechanic where the ship auto scoots up to engage with enemies. Sure, there are a few times where it's convenient. But with the agonizingly slow turn around speed of everything except the basic fighter, it's an instant death sentence for ships that were otherwise 100% safe. This is especially soulcrushing when it happens to a battleship, because unless you can kill all the enemies before the next wave, it is impossible to turn the battleship around before it dies even at full health. 

A highly effective strategy is to hide ships inside pods. But, I don't think you designed the game with this strategy in mind because: 1. it's incredibly difficult to get even the fighters to fit because of the terrible controls (the ships will veer *just* far enough off from where you actually click for them to peek just outside the pod) 2. again, the group selection sends your ships in a useless 'fleet' formation 3. There's no cycle-click feature for a stack of ships, so for multiple ships you either need to use the terrible group select "feature" or space them out to where you can individually select them, while praying that the ship doesn't do some goofy maneuver that places it too far away from where you clicked. 

Fighter swarms are perfectly balanced, powerful offense but need careful timing with their use (otherwise all your fighters will be destroyed). Cruisers suck. Destroyers are decent but cost too much. Battleships are necessary but suck, the flavor text really hypes them up but they're slow, get bodied by swarms and the enemy battleship, and have less attack power than a fighter swarm. Small turrets are decently balanced.
Large turrets are *incredibly* OP. 

The evacuation units are all perfectly balanced except when you account for the absolutely atrocious micromanaging you need to do for everything except for the biggest transport. But when the game is on the slowest speed (which you need in order to win) they're a pain to use. 

5 stars.

It kind of defeats the whole purpose of a deduction game if it comes down to random chance at the end. Most townies are only able to figure out who's evil (at that, very indirectly), **NOT** who the demon is. It's unbelievably frustrating to successfully narrow down the two evil players, only to guess wrong at the end because there's no way of knowing which one is the demon unless you're lucky enough to get one of the few town roles that tells you, and to confirm them. Not to mention that it's possible for it to change who the demon is. It's also, narratively, a little odd that killing an evil character means you lose. 

Add in the fact that the drunk role means even the 'evil' guesses have a big question mark over them, and that roles are *not* revealed when a character dies, means that you can only reliably solve that a character is innocent or evil, not what their role is. 

The game is only winnable because there are only 3 people left alive at the end. This means that all your deductive work will typically only increase your odds of winning from 1/3 to 1/2. It's less time consuming to literally just skip through the entire game without getting any information whatsoever, and just make a guess until you get lucky. 

Too easy to get 'stuck' on an enemy and get all your health drained.

Discard pile no longer works.

Why would you include a demo in a bundle lmao

Pretty good for a first time... (That's what he said.)

Also found an "exploit" where if you just spam the blade, you're able to fairly reliably get around the rhythm restriction. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to win without this, but just something I felt I should bring to your attention.

Very unforgiving on the timing. You *really* need the downloaded version. Once you get into the groove of it (literally) very fun, but very frustrating since unlike other rhythm games there's no 'good' or 'ok', just 'perfect' or 'miss', and when you miss it *really* punishes you.

I like it. Very zen.

Also, hard to navigate to the beginning if you want to start over.

Several typos throughout, namely in the character description of Esther.

Loud as hell.

Loads of typos, not bad though.

Works on chrome when you clear your cookies.