
ブルーム、デイビスらがまた*1表題の在宅勤務関係のNBER論文を上げているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Evolution of Work from Home」で、著者はJose Maria Barrero(メキシコ自治工科大)、Nicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、Steven J. Davis(同*2)。

Full days worked at home account for 28 percent of paid workdays among Americans 20-64 years old, as of mid 2023, according to the Survey of Working Arrangements and Attitudes. That’s about four times the 2019 rate and ten times the rate in the mid-1990s that we estimate in time-use data. We first explain why the big shift to work from home has endured rather than reverting to pre-pandemic levels. We then consider how work-from-home rates vary by worker age, sex, education, parental status, industry and local population density, and why it is higher in the United States than other countries. We also discuss some implications of the big shift for pay, productivity, and the pace of innovation. Over the next five years, U.S. business executives anticipate modest increases in the share of fully remote jobs at their own companies and in the share of jobs with hybrid arrangements, whereby the employee splits the workweek between home and employer premises. Other factors that portend an enduring shift to work from home include the ongoing adaptation of managerial practices and further advances in technologies, products, and tools that support remote work.

*1:cf. 前回の同テーマの論文の紹介


*3:cf. ここ(同じ著者トリオの論文を本ブログで紹介したエントリの注)。

*4:論文の図1の注によると、労働準備・態度調査のデータ収録を開始した2020年以前については、1965, 1975, 1985, 1993, 1995,1998年はAmerican Heritage Time Use Study | Centre for Time Use ResearchAHTUS-X: AHTUS Data Extract Builder)、2003-2019年はATUS home : U.S. Bureau of Labor StatisticsATUS-X : ATUS Data Extract Builder)を利用(カッコ内は論文の参考文献に挙げられているデータ抽出サイト)。