マンキューが取り上げたように、ハリケーンのサンディが東海岸を襲った時の便乗値上げ(price gouging)について、CNBCのJohn Carneyが価格メカニズムの働きとして肯定した一方で(cf. ここ、ここ)、Mark Thomaがフェアネスの観点から疑問を呈した*1。そのThomaのThe Fiscal Times論説に対してCarneyは、ファンタジーに基づく議論、として批判した。
CarneyにThomaが直接反論することは無かったが、先月末のEconomist's ViewでThomaは改めて自分の真意を説明すると共に、この問題に関連するカーネマンの研究を紹介した記事にリンクしている。
In a famous study, the Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman and his co-authors asked ordinary people lots of questions about pricing and fairness. In one question, a hardware store raised the price of snow shovels from $15 to $20 the morning after a snowstorm.
The higher price sends a signal to the world that says: Send more snow shovels! Someone who runs a hardware store an hour away might be inspired by to put a bunch of shovels in the back of a truck and bring them to town, easing a potential shortage and, perhaps, driving prices back down.
But, not surprisingly, eighty percent of people surveyed said raising the price of snow shovels after a storm would be unfair. Presumably, those people would also say it's unfair for a store to double prices on canned food the day before a hurricane.
The people Kahneman surveyed said they would punish businesses that raised prices in ways that seemed unfair. While I would have paid twice the normal price for my groceries yesterday, I would have felt like I was getting ripped off. After the storm passed, I might have started getting my groceries somewhere else.Businesses know this. And, Kahneman argues, when basic economic theory conflicts with peoples' perception of fairness, it's in a firm's long-term interest to behave in a way that people think is fair.