सिंगापुर के राष्ट्रपति
सिंगापुर के राष्ट्रपति
- 1965-1970: एन्चिक यूसोफ बिन इशाक Encik Yusof bin Ishak (1910-1970)
- 1970-1981: बेन्जामिन हेनरी शिअर्स Benjamin Henry Sheares (1907-1981)
- 1981-1985: देवन नायर C.V. Devan Nair (1923-2005)
- 1985-1993: वी किम वी Wee Kim Wee (1915-2005)
- 1993-1999: ओंग टेंग चीओंग Ong Teng Cheong (1936-2002)
- (From 1999: सेल्लपन रामनाथन् Sellapan Ramanathan (born 1924, became President unchallenged in 1999, and again in 2005 after other candidates failed to receive the Certificate of Eligibility to stand for elections.)