2024-2025 Scholars

The LCT-RN is excited to welcome in eight scholars to its 2024-25 Scholars Program.


the Center for Healthier Children, Families & Communities


All Children Thrive

All Children Thrive reimagines cities to drive innovation and policies that enhance child health and well-being, ensuring all children can thrive.


the Life Course Translational Research Network

The Life Course Translational Research Network works to translate research into action.


the Pomona Transformation Accelerator

Our Early Childhood Ecosystem Transformation Accelerator Social Impact Lab in Pomona, CA is working to ensure that all children thrive.


the New Mexico Accelerator

The Accelerator in New Mexico aims to accelerate community-led change across New Mexico.

About the Network

The Life Course Translational Research Network (LCT-RN) translates research into action, improving health trajectories for children and families.


The ADHD Node works on interventions for kids with ADHD to improve life outcomes. Their holistic approach aims for better results.