Interface AsyncTable<C extends ScanResultConsumerBase>

All Known Implementing Classes:
AsyncTableImpl, RawAsyncTableImpl

@Public public interface AsyncTable<C extends ScanResultConsumerBase>
The interface for asynchronous version of Table. Obtain an instance from a AsyncConnection.

The implementation is required to be thread safe.

Usually the implementation will not throw any exception directly. You need to get the exception from the returned CompletableFuture.

  • Method Details

    • getName

      Gets the fully qualified table name instance of this table.
    • getConfiguration

      org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration getConfiguration()
      Returns the Configuration object used by this instance.

      The reference returned is not a copy, so any change made to it will affect this instance.

    • getDescriptor

      Gets the TableDescriptor for this table.
    • getRegionLocator

      Gets the AsyncTableRegionLocator for this table.
    • getRpcTimeout

      long getRpcTimeout(TimeUnit unit)
      Get timeout of each rpc request in this Table instance. It will be overridden by a more specific rpc timeout config such as readRpcTimeout or writeRpcTimeout.
      unit - the unit of time the timeout to be represented in
      rpc timeout in the specified time unit
      See Also:
    • getReadRpcTimeout

      Get timeout of each rpc read request in this Table instance.
      unit - the unit of time the timeout to be represented in
      read rpc timeout in the specified time unit
    • getWriteRpcTimeout

      Get timeout of each rpc write request in this Table instance.
      unit - the unit of time the timeout to be represented in
      write rpc timeout in the specified time unit
    • getOperationTimeout

      Get timeout of each operation in Table instance.
      unit - the unit of time the timeout to be represented in
      operation rpc timeout in the specified time unit
    • getScanTimeout

      Get the timeout of a single operation in a scan. It works like operation timeout for other operations.
      unit - the unit of time the timeout to be represented in
      scan rpc timeout in the specified time unit
    • getRequestAttributes

      default Map<String,byte[]> getRequestAttributes()
      Get the map of request attributes
      a map of request attributes supplied by the client
    • exists

      Test for the existence of columns in the table, as specified by the Get.

      This will return true if the Get matches one or more keys, false if not.

      This is a server-side call so it prevents any data from being transfered to the client.

      true if the specified Get matches one or more keys, false if not. The return value will be wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • get

      Extracts certain cells from a given row.
      get - The object that specifies what data to fetch and from which row.
      The data coming from the specified row, if it exists. If the row specified doesn't exist, the Result instance returned won't contain any KeyValue, as indicated by Result.isEmpty(). The return value will be wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • put

      Puts some data to the table.
      put - The data to put.
      A CompletableFuture that always returns null when complete normally.
    • delete

      Deletes the specified cells/row.
      delete - The object that specifies what to delete.
      A CompletableFuture that always returns null when complete normally.
    • append

      Appends values to one or more columns within a single row.

      This operation does not appear atomic to readers. Appends are done under a single row lock, so write operations to a row are synchronized, but readers do not take row locks so get and scan operations can see this operation partially completed.

      append - object that specifies the columns and amounts to be used for the increment operations
      values of columns after the append operation (maybe null). The return value will be wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • increment

      Increments one or more columns within a single row.

      This operation does not appear atomic to readers. Increments are done under a single row lock, so write operations to a row are synchronized, but readers do not take row locks so get and scan operations can see this operation partially completed.

      increment - object that specifies the columns and amounts to be used for the increment operations
      values of columns after the increment. The return value will be wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • incrementColumnValue

      default CompletableFuture<Long> incrementColumnValue(byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, long amount)
      row - The row that contains the cell to increment.
      family - The column family of the cell to increment.
      qualifier - The column qualifier of the cell to increment.
      amount - The amount to increment the cell with (or decrement, if the amount is negative).
      The new value, post increment. The return value will be wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • incrementColumnValue

      default CompletableFuture<Long> incrementColumnValue(byte[] row, byte[] family, byte[] qualifier, long amount, Durability durability)
      Atomically increments a column value. If the column value already exists and is not a big-endian long, this could throw an exception. If the column value does not yet exist it is initialized to amount and written to the specified column.

      Setting durability to Durability.SKIP_WAL means that in a fail scenario you will lose any increments that have not been flushed.

      row - The row that contains the cell to increment.
      family - The column family of the cell to increment.
      qualifier - The column qualifier of the cell to increment.
      amount - The amount to increment the cell with (or decrement, if the amount is negative).
      durability - The persistence guarantee for this increment.
      The new value, post increment. The return value will be wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • checkAndMutate

      Since 3.0.0, will be removed in 4.0.0. For internal test use only, do not use it any more.
      Atomically checks if a row/family/qualifier value matches the expected value. If it does, it adds the Put/Delete/RowMutations.

      Use the returned AsyncTable.CheckAndMutateBuilder to construct your request and then execute it. This is a fluent style API, the code is like:

       table.checkAndMutate(row, family).qualifier(qualifier).ifNotExists().thenPut(put)
         .thenAccept(succ -> {
           if (succ) {
             System.out.println("Check and put succeeded");
           } else {
             System.out.println("Check and put failed");
    • checkAndMutate

      Since 3.0.0, will be removed in 4.0.0. For internal test use only, do not use it any more.
      Atomically checks if a row matches the specified filter. If it does, it adds the Put/Delete/RowMutations.

      Use the returned AsyncTable.CheckAndMutateWithFilterBuilder to construct your request and then execute it. This is a fluent style API, the code is like:

       table.checkAndMutate(row, filter).thenPut(put).thenAccept(succ -> {
         if (succ) {
           System.out.println("Check and put succeeded");
         } else {
           System.out.println("Check and put failed");
    • checkAndMutate

      checkAndMutate that atomically checks if a row matches the specified condition. If it does, it performs the specified action.
      checkAndMutate - The CheckAndMutate object.
      A CompletableFutures that represent the result for the CheckAndMutate.
    • checkAndMutate

      Batch version of checkAndMutate. The specified CheckAndMutates are batched only in the sense that they are sent to a RS in one RPC, but each CheckAndMutate operation is still executed atomically (and thus, each may fail independently of others).
      checkAndMutates - The list of CheckAndMutate.
      A list of CompletableFutures that represent the result for each CheckAndMutate.
    • checkAndMutateAll

      A simple version of batch checkAndMutate. It will fail if there are any failures.
      checkAndMutates - The list of rows to apply.
      A CompletableFuture that wrapper the result list.
    • mutateRow

      Performs multiple mutations atomically on a single row. Currently Put and Delete are supported.
      mutation - object that specifies the set of mutations to perform atomically
      A CompletableFuture that returns results of Increment/Append operations
    • scan

      void scan(Scan scan, C consumer)
      The scan API uses the observer pattern.
      scan - A configured Scan object.
      consumer - the consumer used to receive results.
      See Also:
    • getScanner

      default ResultScanner getScanner(byte[] family)
      Gets a scanner on the current table for the given family.
      family - The column family to scan.
      A scanner.
    • getScanner

      default ResultScanner getScanner(byte[] family, byte[] qualifier)
      Gets a scanner on the current table for the given family and qualifier.
      family - The column family to scan.
      qualifier - The column qualifier to scan.
      A scanner.
    • getScanner

      Returns a scanner on the current table as specified by the Scan object.
      scan - A configured Scan object.
      A scanner.
    • scanAll

      Return all the results that match the given scan object.

      Notice that usually you should use this method with a Scan object that has limit set. For example, if you want to get the closest row after a given row, you could do this:

       table.scanAll(new Scan().withStartRow(row, false).setLimit(1)).thenAccept(results -> {
         if (results.isEmpty()) {
           System.out.println("No row after " + Bytes.toStringBinary(row));
         } else {
           System.out.println("The closest row after " + Bytes.toStringBinary(row) + " is "
             + Bytes.toStringBinary(;

      If your result set is very large, you should use other scan method to get a scanner or use callback to process the results. They will do chunking to prevent OOM. The scanAll method will fetch all the results and store them in a List and then return the list to you.

      The scan metrics will be collected background if you enable it but you have no way to get it. Usually you can get scan metrics from ResultScanner, or through ScanResultConsumer.onScanMetricsCreated but this method only returns a list of results. So if you really care about scan metrics then you'd better use other scan methods which return a ResultScanner or let you pass in a ScanResultConsumer. There is no performance difference between these scan methods so do not worry.

      scan - A configured Scan object. So if you use this method to fetch a really large result set, it is likely to cause OOM.
      The results of this small scan operation. The return value will be wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • exists

      Test for the existence of columns in the table, as specified by the Gets.

      This will return a list of booleans. Each value will be true if the related Get matches one or more keys, false if not.

      This is a server-side call so it prevents any data from being transferred to the client.

      gets - the Gets
      A list of CompletableFutures that represent the existence for each get.
    • existsAll

      A simple version for batch exists. It will fail if there are any failures and you will get the whole result boolean list at once if the operation is succeeded.
      gets - the Gets
      A CompletableFuture that wrapper the result boolean list.
    • get

      Extracts certain cells from the given rows, in batch.

      Notice that you may not get all the results with this function, which means some of the returned CompletableFutures may succeed while some of the other returned CompletableFutures may fail.

      gets - The objects that specify what data to fetch and from which rows.
      A list of CompletableFutures that represent the result for each get.
    • getAll

      A simple version for batch get. It will fail if there are any failures and you will get the whole result list at once if the operation is succeeded.
      gets - The objects that specify what data to fetch and from which rows.
      A CompletableFuture that wrapper the result list.
    • put

      Puts some data in the table, in batch.
      puts - The list of mutations to apply.
      A list of CompletableFutures that represent the result for each put.
    • putAll

      default CompletableFuture<Void> putAll(List<Put> puts)
      A simple version of batch put. It will fail if there are any failures.
      puts - The list of mutations to apply.
      A CompletableFuture that always returns null when complete normally.
    • delete

      Deletes the specified cells/rows in bulk.
      deletes - list of things to delete.
      A list of CompletableFutures that represent the result for each delete.
    • deleteAll

      A simple version of batch delete. It will fail if there are any failures.
      deletes - list of things to delete.
      A CompletableFuture that always returns null when complete normally.
    • batch

      <T> List<CompletableFuture<T>> batch(List<? extends Row> actions)
      Method that does a batch call on Deletes, Gets, Puts, Increments, Appends and RowMutations. The ordering of execution of the actions is not defined. Meaning if you do a Put and a Get in the same batch(java.util.List<? extends org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row>) call, you will not necessarily be guaranteed that the Get returns what the Put had put.
      actions - list of Get, Put, Delete, Increment, Append, and RowMutations objects
      A list of CompletableFutures that represent the result for each action.
    • batchAll

      default <T> CompletableFuture<List<T>> batchAll(List<? extends Row> actions)
      A simple version of batch. It will fail if there are any failures and you will get the whole result list at once if the operation is succeeded.
      actions - list of Get, Put, Delete, Increment, Append and RowMutations objects
      A list of the result for the actions. Wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
    • coprocessorService

      <S, R> CompletableFuture<R> coprocessorService(Function<,S> stubMaker, ServiceCaller<S,R> callable, byte[] row)
      Execute the given coprocessor call on the region which contains the given row.

      The stubMaker is just a delegation to the newStub call. Usually it is only a one line lambda expression, like:

       channel -> xxxService.newStub(channel)
      Type Parameters:
      S - the type of the asynchronous stub
      R - the type of the return value
      stubMaker - a delegation to the actual newStub call.
      callable - a delegation to the actual protobuf rpc call. See the comment of ServiceCaller for more details.
      row - The row key used to identify the remote region location
      the return value of the protobuf rpc call, wrapped by a CompletableFuture.
      See Also:
    • coprocessorService

      <S, R> AsyncTable.CoprocessorServiceBuilder<S,R> coprocessorService(Function<,S> stubMaker, ServiceCaller<S,R> callable, AsyncTable.CoprocessorCallback<R> callback)
      Execute a coprocessor call on the regions which are covered by a range.

      Use the returned AsyncTable.CoprocessorServiceBuilder construct your request and then execute it.

      The stubMaker is just a delegation to the xxxService.newStub call. Usually it is only a one line lambda expression, like:

       channel -> xxxService.newStub(channel)
      stubMaker - a delegation to the actual newStub call.
      callable - a delegation to the actual protobuf rpc call. See the comment of ServiceCaller for more details.
      callback - callback to get the response. See the comment of AsyncTable.CoprocessorCallback for more details.
    • coprocessorService

      <S, R> AsyncTable.CoprocessorServiceBuilder<S,R> coprocessorService(Function<,S> stubMaker, ServiceCaller<S,R> callable, AsyncTable.PartialResultCoprocessorCallback<S,R> callback)
      Similar to above. Use when your coprocessor client+endpoint supports partial results. If the server does not offer partial results, it is still safe to use this, assuming you implement your AsyncTable.PartialResultCoprocessorCallback.getNextCallable(Object, RegionInfo) correctly.