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Halimah Yacob

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Halimah Yacob
8. President of Singapore (en) Fassara

14 Satumba 2017 - 13 Satumba 2023
Tony Tan Keng Yam (en) Fassara - Tharman Shanmugaratnam (en) Fassara
Member of the Parliament of Singapore (en) Fassara

11 Satumba 2015 - 7 ga Augusta, 2017
District: Marsiling-Yew Tee Group Representation Constituency (en) Fassara
9. Speaker of the Parliament of Singapore (en) Fassara

14 ga Janairu, 2013 - 7 ga Augusta, 2017
Michael Palmer (en) Fassara - Tan Chuan-Jin (en) Fassara
Member of the Parliament of Singapore (en) Fassara

3 Nuwamba, 2001 - 24 ga Augusta, 2015
District: Jurong Group Representation Constituency (en) Fassara
Haihuwa Singapore, 23 ga Augusta, 1954 (70 shekaru)
ƙasa Singapore
Ƴan uwa
Abokiyar zama Mohammed Abdullah Alhabshee (en) Fassara
Makaranta Tanjong Katong Girls' School (en) Fassara
National University of Singapore (en) Fassara
Singapore Chinese Girls' School (en) Fassara
Sana'a ɗan siyasa
Employers National University of Singapore (en) Fassara
Addini Musulunci
Jam'iyar siyasa People's Action Party (en) Fassara
hoton halumah yacob
hoton halimah yayin DA take tataunawa DA manyan mutane
Hot on halimah yacob DA shugaban kasa

Halimah binti Yacob ( Jawi : حاليمه بنت يعقوب ; an haife ta a ranar 23 ga watan Agustan shekarar alif 1954).[1] yar siyasan Singapore ce wanda ta rike shugabancin ƙasar Singapore tun shekara ta 2017.,Ta kasance memba a majalisar dokoki (MP) ga Jurong GRC ( Bukit Batok Gabas ) daga 2001 zuwa 2015 da kuma ga Marsiling-Yew, Tee GRC ( Marsiling ) daga shekarar 2015 zuwa shekarar 2017. Ta kuma kasance kakakin majalisa na 9 na majalisar Singapore daga shekarar 2013 zuwa shekarar 2017 inda ta yi murabus don taka rawa a zaben shugaban kasa na [2]shekarar 2017, wanda ta yi nasara a zaɓen da ba a sansu ba.[3] Ita ce musulma ta biyu da ta zama Shugaban Singapore tun lokacin Yusof Ishak a shekarar alif 1965.[4][5][6]

Halimah ta zama Shugaban ƙasar ne a cikin walwala, kamar yadda ba wani dan takarar shugaban kasa da aka bawa Takaddar Shaidar cancantar shiga zaɓen rantsar da ita a rana mai zuwa inda ta zama shugaba mace ta farko a tarihin ƙasar.[7][8]

Farkon rayuwa da karatu

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Acewar The Straits Times, Halimah an bayyana ta daga cikin Musulmai yan'Indiya take tun da ma mahaifinta ya kasance dan asalin Indiya ne. Kuma mahaifiyarta yar asalin Malay descent. Mahaifinta mai gadi ne, wanda ya mutu a sanda take da shekaru takwas, ya mutu sanadiyar heart attack, inda ya barsu su biyar, Sun shiga cikin talauci bayan rasuwar mahaifin su, ta kan taimaki mamarsu a wurin saida nasi padang a bakin tsohuwar Singapore Polytechnic (wanda ayanzu Bestway Building) dake kan Prince Edward Road.

Halimah Yacob

Halimah ta yi karatu a Makarantar 'Yan Matan Siyar ta Singapore da makarantar' yan mata ta Tanjong Katong kafin ta wuce zuwa Jami'ar Singapore, inda ta sami digiri na biyu a shekarar alif 1978. A shekarar alif 1981, aka kira ta zuwa Barikin Singapur . A shekara ta 2001, ta kammala Master of Law a National University of Singapore (NUS), kuma NUS ta ba shi Dokta na girmamawa mai daraja a ranar 7 ga Yuli 2016.[9][10][11]

Kafin shiga siyasa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Halimah ta yi aiki a matsayin jami'ar shari'a a Majalissar wakilai ta kasa, kuma ta zama darakta a sashen ma'aikatun shari'a, a shekara alif 1992. An nada ta a matsayin dake gareta a Cibiyar Nazarin Aikin Kwadago na Singapore (yanzu ana kiranta Cibiyar Nazarin Aikin Ong Teng Cheong) a shekara alif 1999.[12][13]

Aikin siyasa

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Halimah ta shiga siyasa ne a shekara ta 2001 lokacin da aka zabe ta a matsayin memba na majalisar (MP) ga mazabar wakilcin kungiyar Jurong Group (GRC).[14]

Bayan babban zaben 2011, an naɗa Halimah a matsayin Ministan Jiha a Ma'aikatar Raya Al'umma, Matasa da Wasanni . Bayan sake fasalin majalisar ministocin a watan Nuwamba, na 2012, ta zama Minista a Ma'aikatar zamantakewar al'umma da ci gaban dangi . Ta kuma taba zama shugabar Majalisar Karamar Hukumar Jurong.[15]

A watan Janairun, 2015, Halimah ta kasance cikin kwamitin zartarwa na kwamitin tsakiya na PAP, babbar kungiyar yanke hukunci.

A babban zaben shekara ta 2015, Halimah ita ce kadai dan takarar da ke da karancin rukunin jam’iyyun People’s Party wacce ke takara da sabuwar kungiyar Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC .

Halimah Yacob

Halimah ta yi magana da kakkausar murya a kan masutsatstsauran ra'ayin Islama, musamman tayi Allah wadai da wariya daga Daular Islama ta Iraki da Levant (ISIS).

Kakakin majalisar

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

A ranar 8 ga Janairun, 2013, Firayim Minista Lee Hsien Loong ya zabi Halimah don maye gurbin Michael Palmer a matsayin Kakakin Majalisar bayan murabus din Palmer bayan da aka nuna yana da wata alaka ta aure. An zabe ta a matsayin kakakin majalisar a ranar 14 ga Janairun, 2013, mace ta farko da ta rike mukamin a tarihin Singapore.

Kasancewar kungiyar kwadagon

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Halimah ta yi aiki a Majalisar Tarayyar Trades Union Congress (NTUC) a matsayin Mataimakin Sakatare Janar, Darakta a sashen Ma’aikatar Shari’a da Darakta a Sakatariyar ci gaban Mata. Ta kuma yi aiki a matsayin Babban Sakataren zartarwa na Worungiyar Ma'aikata na Masana'antu da Lantarki na Unitedasa.[16]

Halimah Yacob

An zaɓi Halimah amatsayin mataimakiyar shugabar ma'aikata na Standards Committee of the International Labour Conference (ILC) a Geneva daga 2000 zuwa 2002 da Kuma a 2005. A 2003 da 2004, itace kakakin ma'aikata na ILC Committee akan Human Resources Development da Training.

Zaben shugaban kasa na 2017

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

While speaking during the debate on the Presidential Elections Amendment Bill on 6 February 2017, Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Chan Chun Sing addressed Halimah as "Madam President" twice instead of "Madam Speaker", drawing laughter from the PAP MPs and leading to widespread speculation that Halimah would be the party's preferred candidate for the reserved presidential elections.

On 6 August 2017, Halimah announced that she would be stepping down as Speaker of Parliament and MP of Marsiling-Yew Tee the next day to run for the presidency in the 2017 presidential election, which was reserved for members of the Malay community. She was widely viewed as the PAP's candidate for the election, and was endorsed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

In an interview published on 11 August 2017, Halimah gave her views on the reserved presidential election. She said that it "shows we don't only talk about multiracialism, but we talk about it in the context of meritocracy or opportunities for everyone, and we actually practise it". Although some commentators have felt that the reserved election did not promote meritocracy, Halimah rejected that view, as she described, "All candidates have to qualify ... If we weaken eligibility criteria for those taking part in a reserved election, yes, then we are compromising meritocracy for representation. We are not - the same criteria apply to everybody". Regarding commentators who have questioned the lower qualifying bar for public sector candidates like herself, Halimah said, "It is an open, transparent system ... has been in place since 1991".

On 25 August 2017, Halimah launched her official campaign website, including her campaign slogan "Do Good Do Together", which was criticised by many for being ungrammatical. She defended her slogan, explaining that it is meant to be catchy.

In response to public queries whether Halimah broke election rules by campaigning ahead of the nomination day, the Elections Department clarified that its rule which forbids candidates from campaigning before close of nomination only applies to candidates who are nominated.

Halimah's campaign expenses reached only $220,875 out of the $754,982.40 the legal limit. Her expenses were used for promotional material, room rental, office supplies, food, transport and phone bills.

Queries were also raised regarding Halimah's long affiliation with the PAP and perceived lack of political independence as she quit the party just one month ago to campaign in the election. Halimah responded by comparing herself to former President Ong Teng Cheong, who was also a PAP member before being elected. She also cited that she had abstained from voting in an amendment for the Human Organ Transplant Act in 2007.

Former NMP Calvin Cheng suggested that Halimah does not appear to have the professional experience needed to manage the financial reserves. According to Publichouse.sg's estimate, her financial management involvement is only about $40 million, much less than the stringent $500 million shareholders’ equity requirement for private sector candidates.

Being the only candidate to be issued a Certificate of Eligibility, Halimah became the eighth President of Singapore. Tan Cheng Bock, a former presidential candidate, wrote that Halimah "will occupy the most controversial presidency in the history of Singapore." The Economist described her as "popular and able". She is also the nation's first female President and Southeast Asia's fourth female Head of State after Corazon Aquino and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo of the Philippines and Megawati Sukarnoputri of Indonesia.[17]

Yin marabus din Halimah matsayin MP daga yankin marasa rimjaye Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC ya jawo kiraye kiraye dan agudanar da zaben cike gurbi saboda nufinf GRC shine su ga wakilcin mutane marasa rinjaye. The PAP government refused to hold a by-election, culminating to the filing of lawsuit by Wong Souk Yee, a resident in the GRC. A hearing was set for 15 January 2018.

On 13 September 2017, the Singapore Democratic Party filed a lawsuit in the High Court against the PAP government for refusing to call a by-election in Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC following Halimah's resignation from her post as the sole minority MP in her constituency.

In a High Court hearing conducted on 23 January 2018, Wong's lawyer, Peter Low, argued that the Parliamentary Elections Act should be interpreted such that all MPs of the group representation constituency have to leave their spots when one or more seats are left empty, or when only one remaining MP is a minority candidate. He cited Article 49 (1) of the Constitution, which states that when "the seat of a Member… has become vacant for any reason other than a dissolution of Parliament, the vacancy shall be filled by election" to support his argument.

After the Elections Department announced that Halimah was the only possible candidate for the presidency, global media monitoring house Meltwater observed a significant increase in negative sentiment on social media surrounding the Presidential Elections from 11 to 12 September 2017. The data shows 83% of negative sentiment and 17% of positive sentiment.

Following the announcement, a number of Singaporeans began using the hashtag #NotMyPresident on Facebook and Twitter to voice their disappointment. In response, The Straits Times reported that there was the use of #halimahismypresident by an "equally vocal group", urging "Singaporeans to rally round their next president".

Halimah's decision to stay in her HDB flat at Yishun raised security concerns and was met with disapproval by netizens who highlighted the inconvenience caused by the Presidential motorcade as well as the additional cost in maintaining such security arrangement. On 2 October 2017, Halimah had accepted the government's decision to move her out of her Yishun flat to a more secure location. The government keeps track on the residence and security arrangements for her as well.

Rayuwar mutum

[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

Halimah ta auri Mohammed Abdullah Alhabshee, wani dan asalin Malay na Larabawa, kuma yana da 'ya'ya biyar. Halimah musulma ce. Ta ba da sanarwar cewa za ta fice daga matsakaicin HDB da ke Yishun, wanda ya kunshi gida mai hawa 5 da kuma wani daki mai dakuna 4 hade da juna ta rushe bangon mediya.


[gyara sashe | gyara masomin]
Halimah Yacob

An yaba mata da gudummawar da ta bayar, an ba ta lambar yabo ta Berita Harian Awardver na kyautar a shekara ta 2001, " Matarsa ta Duniya ta lambar yabo ta shekarar" a 2003, the AWARE Heroine Award 2011, kuma ya kasance an shigar da shi cikin Majalisar Singaporeungiyar Mata na Singaporeungiyar Mata a Singapore Hall of Fame a shekarar 2014.

  1. https://themuslim500.com/profiles/halimah-yacob/
  2. https://www.mfa.gov.sg/Newsroom/Press-Statements-Transcripts-and-Photos/2019/11/20190411-SV-Kuwait
  3. https://themuslim500.com/profiles/halimah-yacob/
  4. https://tnp.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/president-halimah-move-out-yishun-flat
  5. https://mothership.sg/2017/07/ex-nmp-calvin-cheng-halimah-yacob-should-not-run-for-president/
  6. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/coronavirus-president-halimah-gives-assent-to-additional-33b-in-support-packages
  7. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/former-president-halimah-yacob-awarded-order-of-temasek-for-lifetime-of-devoted-distinguished-service
  8. https://web.archive.org/web/20170728215619/http://www.swhf.sg/the-honourees/19-government/146-halimah-yacob
  9. http://www.straitstimes.com/politics/singapolitics/no-by-election-if-minority-mp-leaves-grc-says-chun-sing
  10. https://publichouse.sg/disqualified-presidential-candidates-more-qualified-than-halimah-yacob-in-financial-matters/
  11. https://web.archive.org/web/20170729132917/https://www.thoughtssg.com/2017/06/11/getting-to-know-mohamed-abdullah-alhabshee-husband-of-madam-halimah-yacob/
  12. https://sg.news.yahoo.com/sylvia-lim-chan-chun-sing-spar-over-issue-of-first-elected-president-114816839.html
  13. https://web.archive.org/web/20170806145023/http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/parliament-2017-presidential-election-will-be-reserved-for-malay-candidates-says-pm-lee
  14. https://prabook.com/web/halimah.yacob/2327394
  15. https://web.archive.org/web/20170807223132/http://www.todayonline.com/singapore/pm-accepts-halimahs-resignation-pap-charles-chong-be-acting-speaker
  16. https://web.archive.org/web/20170806134339/http://www.straitstimes.com/politics/speaker-of-parliament-halimah-yacob-to-run-for-president-in-coming-election
  17. https://www.inform.kz/en/tokayev-awards-president-halimah-yacob-of-singapore-with-1st-degree-dostyk-order_a4069963