SPC Geoscience Division


Geoscience for Development

Water and Sanitation

Disaster Reduction

Provides applied ocean, island and coastal geoscience services to support countries to govern and develop their natural resources, increase their resilience to hazards and facilitates data-based approaches to adaptation. Provides technical support through capacity building, awareness and advocacy related to the management of water resources and the provision of water supply and sanitation services. Provides technical support to strengthen disaster risk management practices.

Pacific Community (SPC) is the principal scientific and technical agency supporting development in the Pacific,

proudly owned and governed by its 26 members including all 22 Pacific Island countries and territories.


Tonga’s Prime Minister launches the world’s first regional strategy for surveying and geospatial capacity development

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Tonga's first regional strategy for surveying

16 Apr 2018 | Nuku’Alofa

The Honourable Prime Minister of Tonga Samiuela ‘Akilisi Pōhiva officially launched the Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council Strategy 2017-2027 today in the presence of surveying and geospatial specialists from around the region and the globe. The 10-year strategy represents a global first, as it is the first geospatial and surveying strategy to be collectively produced and endorsed by a regional advisory body- the Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC). “I am very pleased to be hosting this event here in Tonga. The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources has been extremely busy with recovery work for the past two months, but I commend them also in their dedication to the long-term regional vision of the PGSC,” the Hon Samiuela ‘Akilisi Pōhiva said during the launch.The Prime Minister recognised the launch as timely given the aftermath of Cyclone Gita and the importance of geospatial information and surveying in the immediate damage assessment stages and also in the mid-to-long term rebuilding plans.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 10:13

Ocean and Tides workshop makes immediate impact on Niue communities

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Oceans and Tide workshop Nuie

9 Apr 2018 | Alofi

Niuean communities and businesses that rely on the ocean are putting to use tools and knowledge acquired in March during the Australian-funded Ocean and Tides Workshop, hosted by Niue Meteorological Service. Participants from communities, the tourism sector and disaster management services report they are applying new knowledge for improved decision-making and better results. The 4-day workshop, which was held from 19-22 March, was planned in consultation with Niue Met Service and facilitated by ocean experts from the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. It featured two days of technical training for the Niue Met Service Staff followed by two days of ocean stakeholder training and consultation with a wide range of user groups. In the weeks following the workshop, participants have indicated it has already made a difference in their work.



World Water Day focuses attention on nature-based solutions to the Pacific’s water and sanitation challenges

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Water is nature

22 Mar 2018 | Suva

Could the answer to the Pacific’s water and sanitation challenges be found in nature?

Today the Pacific marks World Water Day, a day designated to acknowledge and celebrate the importance of our fresh water resources. This year’s theme ‘Nature for Water,’ is an opportunity for the Pacific to explore nature-based solutions to the water and sustainable development challenges we face in the 21st century. Nature-based solutions include measures such as planting trees to replenish forests, reconnecting rivers to floodplains, restoring wetlands and utilizing natural technologies such as composting toilets. Such approaches can be a sustainable and cost-effective way to help rebalance the water cycle, mitigate the effects of climate change and improve human health and livelihoods.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 09:30

Fiji completes refurbishment of third Emergency Operations Centre

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Tavua District Emergency Operations Centre

2 Mar 2018 | Tavua

The newly refurbished Tavua District Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) was opened today by the Assistant Minister for Rural and Maritime Development, National Disaster Management, and Meteorological Services, Honourable Joweli Cawaki. This is the third emergency operations center refurbished in Fiji funded by the European Union through the Building Safety and Resilience in the Pacific (BSRP) Project. This government led activity, supported by the BSRP Project aims to incease disaster preparedness through improving communication during disaster season. The EOC refurbishment cost $FJD75,917 which also included the equipment installed in the new faciltity.



Pacific and New Zealand surveying and geospatial professionals join forces for capacity development

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Pacific and New Zealand Professionals join forces

10 Apr 2018 | Nuku’Alofa

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Pacific Geospatial and Surveying Council (PGSC) and New Zealand Institute of Surveyors (NZIS) today signals new opportunities to enhance geospatial capacity and professional support in the Pacific Islands. The signing took place during the fourth PGSC meeting currently underway in Tonga and attended by Pacific Island lands survey and geospatial experts. This meeting is held in coordination with the United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) International Workshop on Legal & Policy Framework for Geospatial Information.“We are grateful that NZIS has come on board as we need to work with regional partners to advance geospatial and surveying services in the region,” said the chair of the PGSC and Director of Tuvalu Lands and Survey Department, Mr Faatasi Malologa.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 09:57

Mobile Emergency Operations Centre will strengthen National Disaster Coordination

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Mobile Emergency Operations Centre

28 Mar 2018 | Suva

The Fiji National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) introduced a new Mobile Emergency Operations Centre this week, providing the office with a valuable tool for community disaster awareness, improved communication between Emergency Operation Centres (EOC’s),  and better response times. The Mobile Emergency Operations Centre, valued at FJD 59,000, was made possible through the Pacific Community’s (SPC), Building Safety and Resilience in the Pacific (BSRP) Project, with funding support from the European Union. The opening of the centre was marked by an official ceremony, during which the EU Head of Cooperation Mr Christoph Wagner handed over keys for the mobile centre’s Nissan NP300 to Fiji’s Permanent Secretary for Rural and Maritime Development, Disaster Management, and Meteorological Services, Mr. Meleti Bainimarama.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 24 April 2018 09:40

International Women’s Day – Rural women are defining Pacific Resilience

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International Women's Day

7 Mar 2018 | Suva

“Despite the myriad challenges they face, rural women are helping define Pacific resilience today,” said The Pacific Community (SPC) Director-General Dr Colin Tukuitonga on the eve of International Women’s Day. “Like their counterparts around the world, rural women in the Pacific Islands region certainly do not have it easy. They often lack  access to basic services and infrastructure such as water and sanitation, electricity, health and education. They are more at risk of domestic violence and unwanted pregnancies than women in urban areas. Rural women are also more exposed to the adverse impacts of climate change like cyclones and droughts,” Dr Tukuitonga said.



Samoa to strengthen emergency management capability with qualified fire investigators

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Strengthen emergency Management capability

23 Feb 2018 | Suva

Following an audit of the Samoa Fire & Emergency Services Authority this week, the Island nation will take steps to increase its emergency management capability with the introduction of qualified fire investigators. The representative selected to become Samoa’s first detailed investigator will travel to Melbourne in April 2018 to train with the highly skilled Melbourne Fire Brigade’s (MFB) Fire Investigation & Analysis (FIA) team. The investigator will return to Samoa by June 2018 to support Samoa’s Fire and Emergency Services Authority (SFESA) efforts of increasing the investigation skills of colleagues in Samoa. Up to four Fire and Emergency Services personnel are expected to receive training, creating the first qualified fire investigation team in Samoa.

Last Updated on Monday, 12 March 2018 12:40
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6 - 9 November 2012


(All delegates to STAR and CPC meeting invited to participate as technical advisers)

Tuesday (Joint session with STAR and CPC)


1.1    Opening
1.2    Election of Chair
1.3    Adoption of agendaFrançaise
1.4    Explanation of working proceduresFrançaise


2.1    Director’s Report: IntroductionFrançaise
2.2    Report on KRAsFrançaise
2.3    Report on HighlightsFrançaise
2.4    Report on Emerging Issues and OpportunitiesFrançaise
2.5    PMEG reports - Cross Cutting IssuesOcean and IslandsDisaster ReductionWater and SanitationTechnical Support Services
2.6    STAR Chair Report


Narrative case study presentations by country representatives, SOPAC technical staff and/ or STAR delegates concerning selected activities conducted over the year

3.1    Ocean and Islands Programme 2011/2012 report

3.1.1    Summary ReportFrançaise
3.1.2    Full Narrative Report

3.2    Water and Sanitation Programme 2011/2012 report

3.2.1    Summary ReportFrançaise
3.2.2    Full Narrative Report

3.3    Disaster Reduction Programme 2011/2012 report

3.3.1    Summary ReportFrançaise
3.3.2    Full Narrative Report

3.4    Technical Support Services 2011/2012 report

3.4.1    SummaryFrançaise
3.4.2    Full Narrative Report






Presentations and consultations concerning SOPAC Division focus for the remainder of the current Strategic Plan period 2013 – 2015. This will include feedback on PMEG reports, commentary by countries, partner agencies and STAR scientists
