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Management practices of Russian companies. Vol. 1

Stepanov A. K., Лихачев А. А., Silchev V. et al.

M.: Higher School of Economics Publishing House, 2022.

Book chapter
Modeling Perishability in MIT Beer Game Business Simulator

Rozhkov M., Alyamovskaya N., Levina T.

In bk.: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022. Vol. 55. Iss. 10: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022. Elsevier, 2022. P. 1882-1886.

Working paper

Sergeyev V.

нет. нет. Технический университет г. Дармштадт, Германя, 2014

Associate Professor of the Department of Operations Management and Logistics was recognized for reviewing manuscript articles in 2024.

Associate Professor of the Department of Operations Management and Logistics was recognized for reviewing manuscript articles in 2024.
The Journal of the Operational Research Society (A List of  Higher School of Economics  , Scopus Q1) has acknowledged the participation of Maxim Rozhkov, Associate Professor in the Department of Operational Management and Logistics at the Graduate School of Business, HSE, in the peer review of manuscript submissions in 2024.

Students of the HSE Graduate School of Business chose the best professors

Students of the HSE Graduate School of Business chose the best professors
At HSE, not only professors evaluate students, but also students can give their assessment of lecturers and choose the best courses. Thus, according to the students' opinion, 83 lecturers of the HSE Graduate School of Business became the best in the 2023 academic year.

HSE Graduate School of Business 'Goes East'

HSE Graduate School of Business 'Goes East'
With China becoming Russia's main trade and economic partner, the development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of business education grows ever more important. To this end, a delegation of the HSE Graduate School of Business led by Director Valery Katkalo visited Shanghai.

Professor of the Department of Operations Management and Logistics of GSB Took Part in the Meeting of the Guild of Logistics Operators

Professor of the Department of Operations Management and Logistics of GSB Took Part in the Meeting of the Guild of Logistics Operators