Hey it’s ace week and you’re local ace has something to say! I’ve been out as ace for 3 years now and it’s still a big part of my identity that I’m proud of so here’s a lil something for those who need it!
Here is the comic I made for ace awareness week this year (I apologise for grammar errors and my handwriting, I am not the best at spelling).
I’ve never really came out, because I felt I didn’t have to. Most of my family knows I am asexual and is accepting of it, though there are the ones who just don’t comment on it or see me as a lesbian (none of them know I’m nonbinary).
Due to lack of representation, I never really understood asexuality until I was in my mid-late teens, despite hearing about it when I was 14. I was lucky to grow up in quite supportive household when it came to being gay or bi. But it took me a long time to come to terms with my sexuality and be happy with who I am.
I find ace awareness week (and pride month) very important to me to help educate those that know little or nothing about it, and to help people who may be struggling to understand there is nothing wrong with them. I feel that if I had access to the information I now know when I was younger, then it would’ve been easier for me with discovering my identity.
For those out there who don’t know, I am asexual, greyromantic and nonbinary. It has taken me a while, but I love me for me. I am quite happy with not having a sexual relationship, and as long as I have my friends, I know I’ll be happy. Stay safe guys <3<3<3