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From GPLv3 Wiki

GPLv3 has been released -- thank you for your support! This Wiki is not open for editing. We are working to create a permanent archive for all the drafting materials, which will include the writings here. In the meantime, we're leaving this Wiki accessible for anybody who would like to review the history here.

Welcome to the GPLv3 Wiki! This site aims to provide information about any and all matters related to the latest revision of the GPL. It should remain purely descriptive; opinions and comments about GPLv3 should go in the GPLv3 comment system.

You can view recent changes to see what's happened lately.

Though the wiki was founded with English text, all languages are welcome here.


The drafting process for GPLv3

Process is a general catch-all page discussing how GPLv3 is being written and revised, with public feedback. If you have questions or concerns about the drafting process, they can be addressed here.

Event Planning talks about upcoming events related to GPLv3; if you're planning your own event (such as a discussion at a user group meeting), feel free to add it here. This page includes the international GPLv3 conferences.

Reusable texts collects links to slides, presentation notes, transcripts, press releases, and webpages which people are using to promote the GPLv3 process.

The current draft of GPLv3

GPLv3 Draft is the current draft of GPLv3

FAQ Update is a page where we're working on updating the GPL FAQ to address new issues in GPLv3. You can add information to existing answers, or add your own questions.

Howto explains how GPLv3 would be used and applied in various different circumstances -- how the license would work "in the real world," in other words. This can help illustrate specific principles and inform comments.

Copyright law provides more information about how copyright works around the world. One of the goals for GPLv3 is to make the license work more effectively in many different countries, so this page can help explain why some changes have been made.

Test Cases provides examples of how the license works in particular situations. It is a way to characterize the license through its behavior, and also serves as a set of "test cases" to catch regressions across multiple license drafts.

Historical GPL Learning and Concepts

It is our hope to collect information about the GPL and how it works. Many things about the GPL have not changed in GPLv3, but we now have an opportunity to help everyone understand complicated concepts about general public licensing for free software.


How GPLs are enforced.

Help grow the wiki

Since this wiki should have everything you need to know about GPLv3, don't be afraid to add new content. If you're not sure where it should go, feel free to create a new page, or make your suggestions on Talk:Main Page.

WikiGnomes take note: substantial damaged is being caused by SPAMmers; entire pages are being wiped out. bentrem 14:12, 8 July 2006 (EDT)

About the wiki

As the LA Times Wikitorial1 experiment showed, wikis are not particularly good at aggregating opinions. So, FSF is using a different system to collect public comments. This wiki is intended for descriptive information. (A different view about Wikitorial experiment: )


1 See the discussion page for comments