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March 28, 2006

FlashGet - Best Download Manager For Windows

FlashGet is a feature-rich download manager with a nice interface and powerful features. Why would you need a download manager when you can download files with your browser? If you use Internet Explorer and your connection drops, you lost your file. If you want to download big files, FlashGet is a lot faster and can shut down your PC when finished downloading. Another advantage of a download manager is that it forces you to organize your downloads.

FlashGet features:

* clipboard monitoring, browser monitoring (Explorer, Firefox, Opera) - you just click or copy the download link you want and FlashGet will get it for you

* split files into sections or splits, and download each split simultaneously

* supports RTSP and MMS protocols

* it displays only an ad on top of the window (similar to the ad-supported Opera)

* a very nice Site Explorer utility that lets you explore HTTP and FTP sites. You can crawl Google site, starting from the index and flolowing all the links recursively.

* you can create rules for download management: for example, all mp3 files should go into a specific folder

Download from Softpedia (FlashGet's homepage has slow mirrors for download)

Update: FlashGet is now free and it doesn't have ads.


  1. I beg to differ.. use Free Download Manager. It is absolutely awesome :D try it out

  2. I think I tried this some time ago and it didn't integrate well with browsers (especially Opera).

    The best download managers are wget and curl, but they're command-line tools. I couldn't find a good visual tool that uses wget or curl.

    I promise to talk about these great small utilities in a future post.

  3. I choose GetGo Download Manager. It is an actively updated download manager/accelerator designed to maximize the efficiency of your broadband internet connection.

  4. Use orbit download manager. It is best of all, supports everything and best of all its completely FREE


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