Abstract: OpenSDK is proposed to provide vendor-neutral, micro-service-based control of underlying optical hardware. Disaggregation is then achieved without ...
In this work, we propose open software development kit (OpenSDK) as a different approach to provide optical network disaggregation. OpenSDK enables third-party ...
OpenSDK is proposed to provide vendor-neutral, micro-service-based control of underlying optical hardware to provide vendor-neutral, micro-service-based ...
OpenSDK is proposed to provide vendor-neutral, micro-service-based control of underlying optical hardware. Disaggregation is then achieved without requiring ...
The concept of Open Optical Software Development Kit (OOSDK) is proposed for the control of the OLS components, relying on standard and well known South ...
Bibliographic details on Open Software Development Kit (OpenSDK) for Optical Network Disaggregation.
Open and Disaggregated Transport Network (ODTN™) project is an operator-led initiative to build data center interconnects using disaggregated optical ...
Missing: Kit (OpenSDK)
This paper provides an overview based on a survey of the best practices employed in designing, planning, and operating a disaggregated optical network. It ...
Missing: Kit (OpenSDK)
Feb 26, 2021 · In this work, we present our framework for disaggregated optical networks that leverages on SDN and container-based management for a realistic emulation of ...
Missing: Kit (OpenSDK)
Open ROADM aims at achieving full disaggregation by defining interoperability specifications for ROADM switch, transponder, pluggable optics and a comprehensive ...