Abstract: At present the multi-robot cooperation for completing a specific task is a popular research issue. The expect captured environment has carried on ...
In this paper, distributed task decision method was introduced to realize the multi-robot dynamic pursuit; the method that combines the explicit communication.
Multi-robot Dynamic Pursuit Scheme Based on Behavior-Merging and Task Decision-Making Technology · Han-dong Zhang, Yuxiu Wu, Y. Cen · Published in WRI World ...
Based on the MDA, a dynamic robot pursuit algorithm was presented. A simulation experiment based on Teambots was performed. Through the simulation, numerical ...
Multi-robot Dynamic Pursuit Scheme Based on Behavior-Merging and Task Decision-Making Technology. Zhang H., Wu Y., Cen Y.
Multi-robot Dynamic Pursuit Scheme Based on Behavior-Merging and Task Decision-Making Technology. Handong Zhang, Yuxiu Wu, Yuwan Cen.
Multi-robot Dynamic Pursuit Scheme Based on Behavior-Merging and Task Decision-Making Technology. CSIE (4) 2009: 575-580; 2007. [c1]. view. electronic edition ...
Multi-robot Dynamic Pursuit Scheme Based on Behavior-Merging and Task Decision-Making Technology. Handong Zhang. ,. Yuxiu Wu. ,. Yuwan Cen. Proceedings of the ...
This paper deals with a neural network guidance law based on pursuit-evasion games, and performance enhancing methods for the neural network guidance.
Multi-robot Dynamic Pursuit Scheme Based on Behavior-Merging and Task Decision-Making Technology · Author Picture Handong Zhang,; Author Picture Yuxiu Wu ...