The paper is based on reaction-diffusion, a nonlinear mechanism first proposed by Turing in 1952 to account for morphogenesis, the formation of shape and ...
Below, we will demonstrate the use of the M-lattice system for image processing by formally matching one of these modes to the specific computational task ...
The paper is based on reaction-diffusion, a nonlinear mechanism first proposed by Turing in 1952 to account for morphogenesis, the formation of shape and ...
The M-lattice is introduced, a system that preserves the pattern-formation properties of reaction-diffusion and is bounded and enables computer or analog ...
The paper is based on reaction-diffusion, a nonlinear mechanism first proposed by Turing in 1952 to account for morphogenesis, the formation of shape and ...
In this paper we show how the M-lattice system, a new non-linear dynamical system, can easily incorporate orien- tation sensitivity for two different types of ...
In this paper, we use the Processing programming language to visualize dynamic cell behaviors driving morphogenesis in the developing nervous system. Based on ...
The M-lattice system is closely related to the analog Hopfield network and the cellular neural network, but has more flexibility in how its variables ...
M-lattice: from morphogenesis to image processing. DOI PDF 被引用文献2件. A.S. Sherstinsky · R.W. Picard. 収録刊行物. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
Precise measurements of individual cell shapes in large image datasets can identify small but statistically significant features of cell morphogenesis, which ...