We investigate the problem of lifetime-aware data collection in a WSN with only one base station. We propose an efficient distributed algorithm for constructing ...
Therefore, maximizing the network lifetime is an important goal when designing a WSN. Sensor nodes communicate with each other by using radio signals.
In this paper, we investigate the problem of lifetime-aware data collection in a static WSN where the locations of all the sensor nodes are fixed and there is ...
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This work proposes an efficient distributed algorithm for constructing a routing DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph), namely, R-DAG, for data collection, ...
Wireless Sensor Networks need to be organized for efficient data collection and lifetime maximization. In this paper, we propose a novel routing structure, ...
Firstly, we investigate the lifetime aware data collection problem by using ktree. A k-tree is a spanning tree with the base station as the root such that the ...
Using mobile sinks to collect sensed data in WSNs (Wireless Sensor Network) is an effective technique for significantly improving the network lifetime.
We investigate the problem of lifetime-aware data collection in a WSN with only one base station. We propose an efficient distributed algorithm for constructing ...
Objectives: The goal of this work to identify the bloated state problem or increase of the agent size in the network. Methods/Findings: In this case, ...
This paper proposes a novel routing structure, namely k-DAG, to balance the load of the base station's neighbours while providing the worst-case latency ...