Jul 23, 2019 · In this paper, we answer a question: can the nonconvex heavy-ball algorithms with random initialization avoid saddle points? The answer is yes!
Theoretically, we prove that heavy-ball gradient descent enjoys larger stepsize than the gradient descent to escape saddle points to escape the saddle point.
Theoretically, it is proved that heavy-ball gradient descent enjoys larger stepsize than the gradient descent to escape saddle points to escape the saddle ...
Theoretically, we prove that heavy-ball gradient descent enjoys larger stepsize than the gradient descent to escape saddle points to escape the saddle point.
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In this paper, we answer a question: can the nonconvex heavy-ball algorithms with random initialization avoid saddle points? The answer is yes! Direct using the ...
Theoretically, we prove that heavy-ball gradient descent enjoys larger stepsize than the gradient descent to escape saddle points to escape the saddle point.
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Heavy ball method: The heavy ball method was originally proposed by Polyak (1964). It has been observed that this algorithm, even in the deterministic setting, ...
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