In terms of matrices, the (unweighted) graph bandwidth is the minimal bandwidth of a symmetric matrix which is an adjacency matrix of the graph. The bandwidth ...
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Graph bandwidth
In graph theory, the graph bandwidth problem is to label the n vertices vᵢ of a graph G with distinct integers so that the quantity is minimized.
The problem may be visualized as placing the vertices of a graph at distinct integer points along... Wikipedia
The graph bandwidth problem concerns producing a linear ordering of the vertices of a graph so as to minimize the maximum “stretch” of any edge in the ordering.
Graph bandwidth provides a link between the syntactic structure of a constraint satis- faction problem (CSP) and the complexity of the un- derlying search task.
Nov 11, 2016 · The bandwidth is the maximum distance in the graph between adjacent nodes in the ordering. The correct definition is: The bandwidth is the ...
Definition¶. The bandwidth b w ( M ) of a matrix M is the smallest integer k such that all nonzero entries of M are at distance k from the diagonal. The ...
The bandwidth of a graph G is the minimum of the maximum difference between adjacent labels when the vertices have distinct integer labels.
These results include the effect on bandwidth of local operations such as refinement and contraction of graphs, bounds on bandwidth in terms of other graph ...
Jan 25, 2023 · We restrict graph bandwidth during training and generation. Our strategy improves both generation scalability and quality without increasing architectural ...
We give upper and lowwer bounds for the bandwidth of Gmu, ν, Gs(u, ν), Gc(u, ν) in terms of the bandwidth of G. Also given is an upper bound on the bandwidth of ...