We define a connection subgraph as a small subgraph of a large graph that best captures the relationship between two nodes. The primary motivation for this work ...
We define a connection subgraph as a small subgraph of a large graph that best captures the relationship between two nodes. The primary motivation for this ...
This work defines a connection subgraph as a small subgraph of a large graph that best captures the relationship between two nodes, and presents a formal ...
Fast discovery of connection subgraphs. Christos Faloutsos. Kevin S. McCurley. Andrew Tomkins. KDD (2004), pp. 118-127. Download Google Scholar ...
Aug 22, 2004 · Abstract. We define a connection subgraph as a small subgraph of a large graph that best captures the relationship between two nodes.
We define a connection subgraph as a small subgraph of a large graph that best captures the relationship between two nodes. The primary motivation for this ...
A reliable subgraph gives a concise summary of the connectivity between two given individuals in a social network. Formally, the given network is seen as a ...
Sep 15, 2019 · We present a fast algorithm for the classical problem of finding common subgraphs, which are useful for detecting structural relationships between biological ...
Summary: This work defines a connection subgraph as a small subgraph of a large graph that best captures the relationship between two nodes, and presents a ...
We define a connection subgraph as a small subgraph of a large graph that best captures the relationship between two nodes. The primary motivation for this ...