We realize an implementation of GPU-MMS and compare it to sorting algorithm implementations in state-of-the-art GPU libraries on three GPU architectures.
A GPU-efficient multiway merge-sort algorithm, GPU-MMS, is proposed, which minimizes or eliminates these bottlenecks and balances various limiting factors ...
We study the relationship between memory accesses, bank conflicts, thread multiplicity (also known as over-subscription) and instruction-level parallelism ...
Bibliographic details on Analysis-driven Engineering of Comparison-based Sorting Algorithms on GPUs.
In this paper we present a high performance multi-GPU merge sort algorithm that solves the problem of sorting data distributed across several GPUs. Our merge ...
People also ask
What is the best sorting algorithm for GPU?
What are comparison-based sorting algorithms?
What is an optimal sorting algorithm?
How to evaluate sorting algorithms?
The sorting algorithm presented in this chapter is a sorting algorithm for NVIDIA's GPUs that is both comparison-based and works in-place.
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Volker Weichert's 5 research works with 25 citations, including: Analysis-driven Engineering of Comparison-based Sorting Algorithms on GPUs.
Mar 19, 2021 · Abstract—We describe the design of high-performance parallel radix sort and merge sort routines for manycore GPUs, taking.
Sorting is a common problem in computer science. There are lot of well-known sorting algorithms created for sequential execution on a single processor.
Jun 12, 2022 · We compare the two algorithms for increasing numbers of GPUs and analyze HET sort's scalability for large data exceeding the combined GPU memory ...