We realize an implementation of GPU-MMS and compare it to sorting algorithm implementations in state-of-the-art GPU libraries on three GPU architectures.
A GPU-efficient multiway merge-sort algorithm, GPU-MMS, is proposed, which minimizes or eliminates these bottlenecks and balances various limiting factors ...
We study the relationship between memory accesses, bank conflicts, thread multiplicity (also known as over-subscription) and instruction-level parallelism ...
Bibliographic details on Analysis-driven Engineering of Comparison-based Sorting Algorithms on GPUs.
In this paper we present a high performance multi-GPU merge sort algorithm that solves the problem of sorting data distributed across several GPUs. Our merge ...
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The sorting algorithm presented in this chapter is a sorting algorithm for NVIDIA's GPUs that is both comparison-based and works in-place.
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Volker Weichert's 5 research works with 25 citations, including: Analysis-driven Engineering of Comparison-based Sorting Algorithms on GPUs.
Mar 19, 2021 · Abstract—We describe the design of high-performance parallel radix sort and merge sort routines for manycore GPUs, taking.
Sorting is a common problem in computer science. There are lot of well-known sorting algorithms created for sequential execution on a single processor.
Jun 12, 2022 · We compare the two algorithms for increasing numbers of GPUs and analyze HET sort's scalability for large data exceeding the combined GPU memory ...