In the role-based specification, the components that a participant sees in a message can be stated explicitly. This is important in specifying protocols like ...
2 The SET Protocol. A payment transaction in the SET protocol involves three parties: a customer, a merchant, and an application payment gateway. The ...
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SET protocol guarantees that payment information is confidential during the online shopping process. In addition, it authenticates the card user and ...
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It integrates temporal behaviour of individual transactions with the dependencies among transactions that can arise e-g., when accessing shareable data objects.
Jun 20, 2024 · SET is a security protocol designed to ensure the security and integrity of electronic transactions conducted using credit cards.
Payment transactions in the SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) protocol are described. Requirements for SET are discussed and formally represented in a version ...
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Supplement for the v1.0 Internet Open Trading Protocol (IOTP) (RFC 3538, June 2003)
May 17, 2002 · SET is a dynamic, automated scheme that allows a customer with a credit card to order items over the Internet from merchants, in a secure fashion.
A Role-based Specification of the SET Payment Transaction. Protocol. If network elements in pharming is permanently restricted to those mentioned earlier in ...
It is used to formulate multiuser control policies, requiring that two or more different users be responsible for the completion of a transaction or set of ...
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