This is the implementation of our ACL 2020 paper:
Learning to Customize Model Structures for Few-shot Dialogue Generation Tasks.
Yiping Song, Zequn Liu, Wei Bi, Rui Yan, Ming Zhang
Please cite our paper when you use this code in your work.
❱❱❱ pip install -r requirements.txt
Put the Pre-trained glove embedding: glove.6B.300d.txt in /vectors/.
Trained NLI model pytorch_model.bin in /data/nli_model/.
The code is for the experiment of our model CMAML-Seq2SPG on Persona-chat. The scripts for training and evaluation are "" and "".
After training, please set the "--save_model" as the model with the lowest PPL in validation set to evaluate the model.
We use the framework of PAML and the Seq2seq implementation in