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Feature Requests

Anthony Fu edited this page Jan 17, 2020 · 1 revision

Before opening an Issue, please check if it belongs to the below categories:

Name Priority Help needed Status
Language Spec ***** In progress
Class / Object literals *** Object literals added
Import statements *** Import statements are added
Standard library (Math/Bitwise ops/Random) ***** In progress
Test suite **** In progress
Switch statements ***
Functional programming *** Currying; Hi.-Ord. functions supported
Stricter compiler **** WIP, Static typechecking supported
Compiler for other languages **
Plugins for editors ** VSCode, Vim, Sublime added
Convert js/py/anything back to wenyan *
Escaping/generating special characters ***
Alternative syntax for 「「」」 ** 『』 supported
Alternative symbols for 。 ** supported
Online IDE fonts and vertical text **
Rendering comment as small inline text **
More examples **

If you could help implement a feature with a under help needed, please feel free to submit a pull request. It would be very much appreciated! If you would like to help out on other features, please let me know too! Thanks.