SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash BIN = $(CURDIR)/.bin OSP_VERSION ?= latest # using the chart name and version from chart's metadata CHART_NAME ?= $(shell awk '/^name:/ { print $$2 }' Chart.yaml) CHART_VERSION ?= $(shell awk '/^version:/ { print $$2 }' Chart.yaml) RELEASE_VERSION = v$(CHART_VERSION) # release directory where the Tekton resources are rendered into. RELEASE_DIR ?= /tmp/$(CHART_NAME)-$(CHART_VERSION) # bats entry point and default flags BATS_CORE = ./test/.bats/bats-core/bin/bats BATS_FLAGS ?= --print-output-on-failure --show-output-of-passing-tests --verbose-run # path to the bats test files, overwite the variables below to tweak the test scope E2E_TESTS ?= ./test/e2e/*.bats E2E_OPENSHIFT_PARAMS_SCRIPT ?= oc version E2E_TKN_PARAMS_SCRIPT ?= tkn version E2E_OPC_PARAMS_SCRIPT ?= opc version E2E_KN_PARAMS_ARGS ?= help E2E_KN_APPLY_PARAMS_SERVICE ?= hello E2E_KN_APPLY_PARAMS_IMAGE ?= # generic arguments employed on most of the targets ARGS ?= # making sure the variables declared in the Makefile are exported to the excutables/scripts invoked # on all targets .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: $(BIN): @mkdir -p $@ CATALOGCD = $(or ${CATALOGCD_BIN},${CATALOGCD_BIN},$(BIN)/catalog-cd) $(BIN)/catalog-cd: $(BIN) curl -fsL | tar xzf - -C $(BIN) catalog-cd # renders the task resource file printing it out on the standard output, you can redirect the output # of this target to a `kubectl apply -f -`, for istance helm-template: helm template $(ARGS) $(CHART_NAME) . # renders the task templates and copies documentation into the ${RELEASE_DIR} prepare-release: mkdir -p $(RELEASE_DIR) || true hack/ $(RELEASE_DIR) # runs "catalog-cd release" to create the release payload based on the Tekton resources # prepared by the previous step release: $(CATALOGCD) prepare-release mkdir -p $(RELEASE_DIR) || true pushd ${RELEASE_DIR} && \ $(CATALOGCD) release \ --output release \ --version $(CHART_VERSION) \ tasks/* \ ; \ popd # tags the repository with the RELEASE_VERSION and pushes to "origin" git-tag-release-version: if ! git rev-list "${RELEASE_VERSION}".. >/dev/null; then \ git tag "$(RELEASE_VERSION)" && \ git push origin --tags; \ fi # rolls out the current Chart version as the repository release version, uploads the release # payload prepared to GitHub (using gh) github-release: git-tag-release-version release gh release create $(RELEASE_VERSION) --generate-notes && \ gh release upload $(RELEASE_VERSION) $(RELEASE_DIR)/release/catalog.yaml && \ gh release upload $(RELEASE_VERSION) $(RELEASE_DIR)/release/resources.tar.gz # renders and installs the task in the current namespace install: helm template $(CHART_NAME) . |kubectl $(ARGS) apply -f - # renders and removes the task in the current namespace remove: helm template $(CHART_NAME) . |kubectl $(ARGS) delete -f - # packages the helm-chart as a single tarball, using it's name and version to compose the file helm-package: rm -f $(CHART_NAME)-*.tgz || true helm package $(ARGS) . tar -ztvpf $(CHART_NAME)-$(CHART_VESION).tgz # removes the package helm chart, and also the chart-releaser temporary directories clean: rm -rf $(CHART_NAME)-*.tgz > /dev/null 2>&1 || true # run end-to-end tests against the current kuberentes context, it will required a cluster with tekton # pipelines and other requirements installed, before start testing the target invokes the # installation of the current project's task (using helm). test-e2e: install $(BATS_CORE) $(BATS_FLAGS) $(ARGS) $(E2E_TESTS) # Run all the end-to-end tests against the current openshift context. # It is used mainly by the CI and ideally shouldn't differ that much from test-e2e .PHONY: prepare-e2e-openshift prepare-e2e-openshift: ./hack/ $(OSP_VERSION) .PHONY: test-e2e-openshift test-e2e-openshift: prepare-e2e-openshift test-e2e-openshift: test-e2e .PHONY: test-e2e-tkn test-e2e-tkn: prepare-e2e-openshift test-e2e-tkn: test-e2e .PHONY: test-e2e-opc test-e2e-opc: prepare-e2e-openshift test-e2e-opc: test-e2e # act runs the github actions workflows, so by default only running the test workflow (integration # and end-to-end) to avoid running the release workflow accidently act: ARGS = --workflows=./.github/workflows/test.yaml act: act $(ARGS)