Nordic Institute for Interoperability Solutions (NIIS) Finland
@linkedin Seattle, WA
Zalando Schwerin, Germany
@Mirantis Tuscaloosa, AL
@snyk Bay Area | Bend, Oregon
@RedHatOfficial, @redhat-developer, @crc-org, @containers, @jkubeio, @gbraadnl, @minishift, @gbraad-redhat Remote (global)
Tailscale Seattle
Red Hat Pegnitz, Germany
@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc) Las Vegas, NV
@poolsideai Madrid
@grafana London
@Babbel Berlin - Germany
@google Seattle, Washington Assen [NL] | Toronto [CA] | Middle East [UAE/OM]