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"Editors King Battle Editors"
In the editor calendar 2XXX, The ancient family "Program-mer" use the text editors as the weapons. Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text etc. It is the power to choose the text editor. In the later, the automated programming technology desctorys "Program-mer". In the end, the text editor will be dying... It was thought. But the text editor is the sports now. This is the story of the boys and girls to learn the text editors.
- Edward Awl
The main character. He uses vi.
- Dark Vim Master
The main character. He uses Vim and neo-Vim. He is the other personality of Edward.
- Lime Sabiena
She uses Sublime Text.
- Macs Endo
He uses Emacs.
- Sed Waker
He uses AWK and Sed.
- Natalia Bin
She uses Binary editor.
- Chapter 01: He is Dark Vim Master
- Chapter 02: The rival of the Vim
- Chapter 03: Justice Hero "AWK Saver!"
- Chapter 04: Encounter of Binarian
- Chapter 05: Pair edit battle!
- Chapter 06: The ambition of Note Pad
- Chapter 07: The menance of the IDE
- Chapter 08: Double editors denomination
- Chapter 09: Another Vim editor Zero (I)
- Chapter 10: Another Vim editor Zero (II)
- Chapter 11: The true editor is DarkVim
- Chapter 12: Save the world! "Five God Editors"
Not translated yet...