A simple microbatching system in Go, designed to process jobs efficiently in batches. It includes a queue for job management and a batch processing mechanism. The system also provides a REST API to submit jobs, check job status, and retrieve information about queued and processed jobs.
- Job Submission: Submit jobs for processing via a REST API.
- Job Queueing: Jobs are queued before being batch processed.
- Batch Processing: Jobs are processed in configurable batch sizes and intervals.
- Job Status Tracking: Track the status of submitted jobs, whether they're queued or processed.
- Job ID Retrieval: Retrieve the IDs of all jobs currently in the queue.
- Processed Job Retrieval: Retrieve all processed jobs.
Go (version 1.15 or later)
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/1x-eng/mbat.git
cd mbat
touch ./.env # edit the config as you see fit
# build and run the executable
go build -o ./bin/mbat ./cmd/
- Submit Job:
POST /job/submit
- Job Status:
GET /job/status/:jobID
- Queued Jobs:
GET /jobs/queue
- Processed Jobs:
GET /jobs/processed
- µ-batching uses
cli to generate swagger specs. Install swaggo cli using -go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@latest
- To generate or refresh swagger specs,
swag init -g ./pkg/server/handlers.go
- µ-batching also uses fiber-swagger to render swaghger UI.
- Once the project is built and run, visit
to view swagger UI.
- Integrate github actions / promote CI/CD and abstract swaggo / fiber-swagger
- A whole lot of tests :P