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Kishikawa Katsumi kishikawakatsumi

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kishikawakatsumi / DisableFloatingTabBar.swift
Created February 9, 2025 02:25
Revert the floating style tab bar introduced in iOS 18 back to its pre-IOS 17 appearance.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [
"UseFloatingTabBar": false,
return true
kishikawakatsumi / gist:079f800561869c386e7702048b7580e1
Last active January 16, 2025 12:40 に対するデータ追加更新の手順
** 概要
*** 手順 1〜11
- システムに含まれる言語ファイルを読み取りDBの1レコード単位に整形したJSONファイルを作る
- JSONファイルからDBにインポートできるデータを作る。
import Foundation
/// Calculates the `n`th Fibonacci number
/// This function returns `0` for all negative numbers.
func fib(_ n: Int) -> Int {
guard n > 0 else {
return 0
kishikawakatsumi / gist:d8d6543eceaeeeaf36394f29897d9a2e
Created August 18, 2023 00:50
「モバイル・エコシステムに関する競争評価 最終報告」に対する意見募集
政府が民間の自由な経済活動への介入は原則として慎重であるべきです。報告書で述べられているApp Storeの問題点は政府が規制や介入をしなければならないほどの解決困難であったり多数の被害者が発生しているようなものではありません。
ベータ版についての情報についても、10年前はWWDCの情報は参加者のみがアクセスできましたが、現在はデベロッパーアカウントがあればすべて閲覧可能になっています。デベロッパーアカウントも有料のデベロッパープログラムは必要なく、Apple IDがあればよいので、事実上すべての人間に情報は開示されています。
kishikawakatsumi / FB12646222
Created July 17, 2023 09:34
[SwiftData] Compiler cannot reject models containing types that cannot be saved.
SwiftData raises a runtime error when attempting to save a property of CGFloat type, but the compiler cannot validate it.
Models with properties of type CGFloat, such as the example below, cannot be saved in SwiftData. It will cause a run-time error.
I believe that the compiler should reject such incorrect models. However, such models cannot be made an error at compile-time, so the following documentation statement that SwiftData can safely describe the model layer is highly questionable.
> Using modern language features like macros, SwiftData enables you to write code that is fast, efficient, and safe, enabling you to describe the entire model layer (or object graph) for your app.
kishikawakatsumi / FB12645750
Created July 17, 2023 08:34
Writing the correct code when persisting models containing associations is very difficult
If the incorrect code is written when attempting to persist a model containing associations, either run-time errors occur or only the associations are not saved (although they appear to be saved correctly).
The latter makes it very difficult to find the problem, as it appears to be working correctly without any errors.
Of the four code examples below, only the first one saves the data correctly, including the association.
All of the remaining three cases do not work correctly.
The important thing is to insert the association source object into the context first.
Otherwise, you will get either a run-time error or the unexpected behaviour that only the related objects are not saved.
kishikawakatsumi / FB12645485
Created July 17, 2023 07:56
[SwiftData] Classes qualified with @model macro allow incomplete initializers
Classes qualified with @Model macro allow incomplete initializers
The compiler does not throw an error if a class with @Model, as in the following code, implements only an incomplete initializer (in this example, the properties are not initialized at all).
This would normally (if the plain class is not macro qualified) result in a compile error "Return from initializer without initializing all stored properties".
import SwiftData
final class Event {
<中間報告の該当箇所: 72ページ>
> a. アップデートに対応する十分な時間を確保した上での事前告知の実施 (OS のアップデートが与える影響の大きさに応じて、(より長期の)適切な準備期間の義務付け)
> b. 最新バージョンに関する適切な情報開示(変更に伴うデータの引継ぎやAPIとの連携に関する運用面での対応に関するもの等を含む)
> c. デベロッパからの問い合わせに関する手続・体制の整備
> d. 運営状況の政府への報告と、政府によるモニタリング・レビューの実施
<中間報告の該当箇所: 113ページ>
func f() {
print("Hello World!\n")