Programs for analysing Greenlandic

Write or paste the words in the window, and press the "Send form" button. The options "Analyze" gives all possible analyses, whereas the (default) option "Disambiguate" gives only the analyses appropriate for the given sentence. The program may also hyphenate the text for you, or add syllable boundaries, in which case it will not give a grammatical analysis. Choose "Hyphenate".

You may also transcribe Greenlandic text (of the current orthography) to an IPA transcription, enriched with syllable boundaries (marked with period) and tone marks, according to the presentation in Stig Bjørnums grammar (ulti- mately in Kleinschmidts grammar). Choose "Transcribe". Finally, you may convert words from the (pre-1973) Kleinschmidt orthography to the present orthography. The conversion tool recognises the letter kra, i.e. "ĸ" (Unicode U+0138), but since some users may not have support for it, the conversion tool will translate non-initially written capital K as if it was kra. Choose "Convert".

Type the word forms:

Give all word forms
Disambiguate        [Danish word translationNo translation]

Dependency structure

The program is not finished. If you notice errouneous forms or analyses, please contact Giellatekno.

Dependency tags