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  1. config.yaml

Site logo management


You need to install:

Note that you need the pngquant and zopflipng OS packages, not the Python packages.

Adding a new logo

Add or update the existing section in config.yaml for that wiki. Ensure a commons setting is present that points to the SVG on Wikimedia Commons. The thumbnails will be downloaded from there. Run:

tox -e logos -- update {wikiname}

This will download new PNGs from Commons, compress them and update logos.php.

When adding or modifying logos, it is highly recommended to add a comment setting (normally Phabricator task ID) in config.yaml to explain the change. You can also add it in comment_1_5x and comment_2x fields if necessary.

Adding a new wordmark/tagline

Similar to adding a new logo, but you need to add a commons_wordmark (or commons_tagline) field to the config.yaml file. This script will download the SVG from Wikimedia Commons and compress it. If the SVG file has a width larger than 140px, it will also be resized.

For some cases, if you want to manually set the width/height of the SVG, please add width_wordmark and height_wordmark (for tagline, please replace "wordmark" with "tagline" for the name of the field) to the config.yaml file.

There is no separate command to update the wordmark/tagline, it will be updated when you run:

tox -e logos -- update {wikiname}

to update the site logo.

If you want to use the wordmark/tagline from another wiki for your site, you can add a selected_wordmark field to the config.yaml file. For example, if yywiki want to use the wordmark/tagline from xwiki:

  selected_wordmark: xxwiki
  selected_tagline: xxwiki

If you need to add wordmarks/taglines without uploading files to Wikimedia Commons, you can add a local_wordmark/local_tagline field to the config.yaml. In future when the logos are stable you should upload the files to Wikimedia Commons so they can be managed by their respective communities. A script is proposed for managing this in future, more details at

When adding or modifying wordmarks/taglines, it is highly recommended to add a comment_wordmark (or comment_tagline) setting (normally Phabricator task ID) in config.yaml to explain the change.

Adding a new icon

Add or update the existing section in config.yaml for that wiki. Ensure a commons_icon setting is present that points to the SVG on Wikimedia Commons. Similar to adding wordmarks/taglines, you can add a local_icon field to directly use the local icon file.

When adding or modifying logos, it is highly recommended to add a comment_icon setting (normally Phabricator task ID) in config.yaml to explain the change.

Renaming files in static folder

''IMPORTANT'': When renaming files, it is important to use symbolic links to point to the old version of static assets for cached HTML. It is also important to verify that no symbolic links are broken.

find static -xtype l # unix
find static | xargs file | grep -i "broken symbolic link" # osx

Logo variants (usually temporary)

Sometimes a wiki wants to use a temporary logo for a celebration or needs an alternative logo for language converter purposes.

Add a variants block:

  commons: File:Normal_logo.svg
  selected: xxwiki-birthday
      commons: File:Birthday_logo.svg
      commons_icon: File:Birthday_icon.svg
  commons_wordmark: File:Normal_wordmark.svg
  commons_tagline: File:Normal_tagline.svg
  commons_icon: File:Normal_icon.svg
  comment: T123456, T999999
  comment_wordmark: T123456
  comment_tagline: T123456
  comment_icon: T123456, T999999

Then run:

tox -e logos -- update xxwiki --variant xxwiki-birthday

The selected key controls which logo will be used in logos.php. If you merely want a variant available on the server it can be omitted.

Updating logos.php

If you just need to update logos.php after tweaking config.yaml, run:

tox -e logos -- generate && composer buildLogoHTML.


config.yaml contains the definitions for the 1x, 1.5x, and 2x versions of wiki logos ($wgLogos), and the wordmark/tagline definitions. It contains a Python script to generate the PHP MediaWiki configuration in ../wmf-config/logos.php.

By default, the name of the logos is expected to follow the format of:

  • {name}.png
  • {name}-1.5x.png
  • {name}-2x.png

If no 1.5x or 2x versions are available, set the no_1_5x and no_2x keys.

For special occasions, a different logo can be specified with the selected key.

For logo variants, the key is the name of the variant (must start with the wiki's name) and the value is the Commons filename.

For wordmark/tagline, the name of them is expected to follow the format of:

  • {wikiproject}-wordmark-{langcode}.svg
  • {wikiproject}-tagline-{langcode}.svg

For icon, the name of it is expected to be the same of the project name.

Labs overrides

When changing these logos, please ensure that all labs override in InitialiseSettings-labs.php work correctly to comply with the instructions at VPS Terms of Use.