Paramadairean - Parameters
[deasaich]The language templates store several values in ISO 639 codes, Scottish Gaelic, and English. These values are stored with neither formatting nor delimiters; that is, the returned text is completely plain and bare. To access one of these named values, specify the name of the parameter after a bar character ('|'), as in the examples below.
- Chan Eil Luach Toraidh Paramadair - No Parameter Input Value →
When no parameter is specified, the default value is returned.
- Toradh: Bunasach; paramadair bunaiteach. Ainmear no tuiseal ainmneach cànain na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: Default value. Scottish Gaelic substantive, or nominative singular of the language name.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = g →
- Toradh: Tuiseal ginideach na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic genitive case of the language name.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = 3 →
- Toradh: Ainmear cànain na Beurla.
- Returns: The English nominative singular of the language name.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = 4 →
of Afrikaans
- Toradh: Tuiseal ginideach na Beurla.
- Returns: The English genitive noun phrase.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = 1 →
Gearmanach an Iar
- Toradh: Ainmear teaghlach-cànain na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic language family name.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = 5 →
West Germanic
- Toradh: An ainmear teaghlaich-chànain na Beurla.
- Returns: The English language family name.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = 2 →
- Toradh: Còd(an) ISO 639-5 a ’mìneachadh loidhne cànain phàrant.
- Returns: The ISO 639-5 code(s) outlining the parent language lineage.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = 7 →
ine (Innd-Eòrpach):gem (Gearmanach):gmw (Gearmanach an Iar)
- Toradh: An loidhne cànain phàrant ann an Gàidhlig agus còd(an) ISO 639-5.
- Returns: The parent language lineage in Scottish Gaelic and ISO 639-5 code(s).
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = 6 →
ine (Indo-European):gem (Germanic):gmw (West Germanic)
- Toradh: An loidhne cànain phàrant ann an Beurla agus còd(an) ISO 639-5.
- Returns: The parent language lineage in English and ISO 639-5 code(s).
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = t →
- Toradh: A bheil teaghlach? (t no f)
- Returns: A boolean value (t or f) indicating whether this language is a family, i.e., a branch node in a family tree.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = c-t →
- Toradh: A bheil ceann-teaghlaich? (t no f)
- Returns: A boolean value (t or f) indicating whether this language is the head, or source node, of a family tree.
Paramadairean adhartach - Advanced parameters
[deasaich]- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = ac →
an Afraganais
- Toradh: Ainmear cinnteach na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic definite noun form.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = cinnteach →
an Afraganais
- Toradh: Ainmear cinnteach na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic definite noun form.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = cinn →
an Afraganais
- Toradh: Ainmear cinnteach na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic definite noun form.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = dn →
an Afraganais
- Toradh: Ainmear cinnteach na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic definite noun form.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = def →
an Afraganais
- Toradh: Ainmear cinnteach na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic definite noun form.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = definite →
an Afraganais
- Toradh: Ainmear cinnteach na Gàidhlig.
- Returns: The Scottish Gaelic definite noun form.
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = aa →
san Afraganais
- Toradh: An abairt roimhearach Gàidhlig ghnàthasach co-ionann ri "sa chànan seo"
- Returns:The idiomatic Gaelic prepositional phrase equivalent to "in this language"
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = ann →
san Afraganais
- Toradh: An abairt roimhearach Gàidhlig ghnàthasach co-ionann ri "sa chànan seo"
- Returns: The idiomatic Gaelic prepositional phrase equivalent to "in this language"
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = sa →
san Afraganais
- Toradh: An abairt roimhearach Gàidhlig ghnàthasach co-ionann ri "sa chànan seo"
- Returns: The idiomatic Gaelic prepositional phrase equivalent to "in this language"
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = in →
san Afraganais
- Toradh: An abairt roimhearach Gàidhlig ghnàthasach co-ionann ri "sa chànan seo"
- Returns: The idiomatic Gaelic prepositional phrase equivalent to "in this language"
- Luach cuir a-steach paramadair - Parameter Input Value = pp →
san Afraganais
- Toradh: An abairt roimhearach Gàidhlig ghnàthasach co-ionann ri "sa chànan seo"
- Returns: The idiomatic Gaelic prepositional phrase equivalent to "in this language"
Ùsaid - Usage
[deasaich]- Use this template where you need the Gaelic version of the language name.
- Toradh/Returns:
- Frequently invoked to form category names, or anywhere the Gaelic genitive noun phrase of the language name is needed. For example:
[[Roinn-seòrsa:Iarrtasan airson bunachas
- Toradh/Returns:
Roinn-seòrsa:Iarrtasan airson bunachas Afraganaise
- Use to discuss the language family tree.
- Use where you need the language family name.
- Toradh/Returns:
Gearmanach an Iar
- Use to discuss the language lineage.
- Toradh/Returns:
- Use for documentation
- Parameter values 3-6 are currently used for documentation purposes.
- Use for conditional processing.
- Parameters t and c-t may be used in conditional statements.
- E.g., {{#ifeq:{{af|c-t}}|t|do x|do y}}
- Toradh/Returns:
do y
- E.g., {{#ifeq:{{af|c-t}}|f|do x|do y}}
- Toradh/Returns:
do x
Tuairisgeul - Description
[deasaich]The family of templates to which this one belongs, the language templates, store data and metadata about the languages used in definitions. This information can be useful for many applications beyond generating definitions.
These templates are handy for non-native Gaelic speakers: if it turns out that the wording is wrong in this particular template, all the pages and page names that employ it may be changed immediately simply by editing this one specific template. However, be warned that changing template-based Roinn-seòrsa\Category names is tricky as they need substantially more preparatory work before their names can be modified. See the Troubleshooting section below for more information on changing Roinn-seòrsa\Category names.
This template can either:
- Return the Scottish Gaelic language name, i.e., the nominative singular = "Afraganais" ("Afrikaans")
- Return the Scottish Gaelic genitive noun phrase for Afraganais, which is "Afraganaise" ("of Afrikaans")
- Return the Scottish Gaelic language family name for Afraganais, which is "Gearmanach an Iar" ("West Germanic")
- Return an ordered, hierarchical List of ISO 639-5 language codes which represent the parent family language lineage for Afraganais, "ine:gem:gmw", which converts to "ine (Innd-Eòrpach):gem (Gearmanach):gmw (Gearmanach an Iar)" or "ine (Indo-European):gem (Germanic):gmw (West Germanic)" For more information about this, see:
- List_of_ISO_639-2_codes - language codes; includes ISO 639-3 codes (i.e., 3 character codes)
- List_of_ISO_639-5_codes - language family codes
- Return the preceding terms in English for documentation purposes.
This template always
- Adds itself to , aka "Category:Languages templates".
Cùl-fhiosrachadh - Background
[deasaich]This template is one of a set of language manipulating templates, all of which may be found in , or "Category:Language templates".
Uiclair needs a quick and easy way to correct grammatical and typological errors across its pages because there are so few native Gàidhlig speakers and because mistakes are so easy to make. It is easier to repair systemic typos and grammatical errors when there are fewer places to edit them. Another benefit of using templates is that they create isomorphic pages; that is, consistent formatting across definition pages makes for easier reading. Using templates to generate definition pages also makes it easy to automatically categorize the definitions by language, part of speech, or even by topic; this automatic categorization in turn makes it easy to gather statistics about the definitions, their languages, and the parts of speech that have been defined. Finally, automatically categorized pages, templates, and categories, themselves, make for easy access.
Gnàthasan Ainmeachaidh - Naming Conventions
[deasaich]Ainmean teamplaid - Template Names
[deasaich]Use abbreviations and language codes when naming templates for easier editing. See for the existing templates.
- Template names delimited by equal signs indicate that they affect the highest order headings. E.g., {{=x=}}.
- Template names delimited by dashes indicate that they affect a subheading. E.g., {{-x-}}.
- Template names consisting only of a language code are called language templates. I.e., {{language code}} is the format of a language template name. These templates overload the language code function to return data and metadata in Scottish Gaelic, ISO 639-5 codes, and English about the language in question. The language template names may be ISO 639-2, -3, or -5 language codes.
Ainmean Roinn-seòrsa - Category Names
[deasaich]Spell things out in category names for legibility and clarity. See (root category).
Fuasgladh Dhuilgheadasan - Troubleshooting
[deasaich]Please note that we have not generated language templates for all known languages.
A' cruthachadh teamplaidean cànain - Creating language templates
[deasaich]- Look in (sic) to find your language template.
- If your language template is missing, you must create one, or ask someone to create it for you before you can begin working in your language.
- You may need to consult a list of ISO 639 codes to determine the family lineage for your particular language. At the time of this writing, ISO 639-* lists can be found at:
- WP:List_of_ISO_639-2_codes - language codes; includes ISO 639-3 codes (i.e., 3-character language codes)
- WP:List_of_ISO_639-5_codes - language family codes
- You may need to consult a list of ISO 639 codes to determine the family lineage for your particular language. At the time of this writing, ISO 639-* lists can be found at:
- If your language template is missing, you must create one, or ask someone to create it for you before you can begin working in your language.
A' deasachadh teamplaidean cànain - Editing language templates
[deasaich]If your language template is incorrect, you must edit it, or ask someone to edit it for you. However, be very careful, especially with Scottish Gaelic genitives.
- You may need to consult a list of ISO 639-* codes to determine the family lineage code(s) for your particular language. See the previous section for a list of links. We also consulted Wikipedia language pages, and other sources, to generate the concatenated strings.
A' deasachadh ainm ginideach cànain - Editing the Gaelic genitive language name
[deasaich]If the Gaelic genitive of your specified language name is incorrect or missing, edit your language template. Please note that this will affect every page that uses your language template.
- Please consult Sònraichte:WhatLinksHere/ of the page in questionbefore editing.
- Please consult Sònraichte:CategoryTree or Sònraichte:Categories for help parsing the category tree before editing.
Caveat Deasaiche: A' bhuaidh air roinnean-seòrsa de dheasachadh ainm ginideach cànain - Caveat Editor: The effect on categories of editing the Gaelic genitive language name
[deasaich]Changing the Gaelic genitive noun phrase will empty and delete all categories based on the genitive noun phrase of your language and will remove those categories from any categories to which they belonged. In other words, know both what links to your language template and your language category tree before editing the Gaelic genitive noun phrase in the language template.
- N.B.: It is far, far easier to edit the category link in every member item item that appears in every category to be renamed before you change the Gaelic genitive noun phrase of your language name. This cannot be stressed strongly enough. Be warned that this may be a very lengthy process.
Duilgheadasan òrdachaidh taobh a-staigh roinnean-seòrsa - Sorting Issues within categories
[deasaich]If you are seeing sorting issues with your language's name, format the embedded category link with a parameter of your language name (e.g., [[Roinn-seòrsa:Faclan a-rèir cànain|Gaidhlig]]). Consider using unaccented characters in your language name parameter to make it sort properly in the category you are creating.
Rabhaidhean deireannach mu dheidhinn deasachadh ainm ginideach cànain - A final word on editing Gaelic genitive language names
[deasaich]- Don't forget to save the page you have just edited.
- Verify that all the recategorized items appear in the new category.
- Verify that your renamed categories appear in all the categories of which they were previous members.
The above documentation is transcluded from Teamplaid:af/documentation. (edit | history) Editors can experiment in this template's sandbox (create | mirror) and testcases (create) pages. Please add categories to the /documentation subpage. Subpages of this template. |