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Alice Munro

O Uicipeid
Alice Munro
Ainm slàn Alice Ann Laidlaw
Breith Wingham (en) Translate, 10 dhen Iuchar 1931
Dùthaich  Canada
Ciad chànan Beurla
Bàs Port Hope (en) Translate, 13 dhen Chèitean 2024
Cèile James Munro (en) Translate  (1951 -  1972)
Gerald Fremlin (en) Translate  (1976 -  17 dhen Ghiblean 2013)
Foghlam Oilthigh Ontario an Iar
Cànain Beurla
Dreuchd sgrìobhadair, sgrìn-sgrìobhaiche, nobhailiche, sgrìobhadair sgeulachdan goirid agus neach-naidheachd
Àitichean-obrach Clinton (en) Translate agus Ontario
Obraichean comharraichte Too Much Happiness (en) Translate
Dear Life (en) Translate
Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You (en) Translate
Duaisean a fhuaras
Ainmeachadh airson duaisean
Buaidh John Updike (mul) Translate
Ballrachd Acadamh Aimeireaga nan Ealan is nan Saidheans
Comann Rìoghail an Litreachais
Gnè ealain sgeul goirid
IMDb nm0613084

Bha Alice Ann Munro née Laidlaw (rugadh 10 an t-Iuchar 1931, chaochail 13 an Cèitean 2024) na sgrìobhadair Canadianach a sgrìobh ann am Beurla.

Choisinn i iomadh duais, nam measg an Duais Nobel ann an Litreachas ann an 2013.[1]

Eachdraidh a Beatha

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Tràth sa beatha

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Rugadh Munro leis an ainm Alice Ann Laidlaw ann an Wingham, Ontario.[2] Bha tuathanas le madaidhean agus mincean aig a h-athair, Robert Eric Laidlaw.[3] B' e tidsear sgoile a bh' anns a màthair, Anne Clarke Laidlaw (née Chamney).

Thòisich i a' sgrìobhadh nuair a bha i na deugaire. Ann an 1950, fhad's a bha i a' dèanamh Beurla aig Oilthigh Western Ontario, dh'fhoillsich i a ciad sgeulachd, "The Dimensions of a Shadow".[4][5] Dh'fhàg i an oilthigh nuair a phòs i agus dh'imrich i a Columbia Bhreatannach far an do chuir i bùth leabhraichean air dòigh leis an duine aice.[2]

Bha i pòsta aig James Munro bho 1951 gu 1972 agus aig Gerald Fremlin bho 1976 gu àm a bhàis ann an 2013. Bha triùir chloinne aice.


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Tha Munro ainmeil airson a cuid sgeulachdan goirid. Thathar ag ràdh gun tug i buaidh mhòr air structar an sgeulachd goirid ann am Beurla leis mar a bhios an t-àm a' gluasad air ais is air adhart anns na sgeulachdan.[6] Mar as tric, tha a cuid ficsean stèidhichte ann an sgìre far an deach a h-àraich, sgrìre Huron air taobh an iar-dheas Ontario.[7]

Thuirt i gun tug na sgrìobhadairean seo buaidh oirre: William Maxwell, Eudora Welty, John Updike, Carson McCullers, Katherine Anne Porter, Flannery O'Connor, James Agee, Cheever, Joyce Carol Oates, Peter Taylor, William Trevor, Edna O'Brien, Richard Ford.[8]

Ann an 2009, bhuannaich i am Man Booker International Prize airson a cuid saothair gu lèir.[9]


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Leabhraichean de sgeulachdan goirid

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Cruinneachaidh de sgeulachdan goirid

[deasaich | deasaich an tùs]
  • 1996 Selected Stories
  • 2003 No Love Lost
  • 2004 Vintage Munro
  • 2006 Alice Munro's Best: A Selection of Stories - le roimh-ràdh le Margaret Atwood
  • 2011 New Selected Stories
  • 2014 Lying Under the Apple Tree. New Selected Stories


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  1. "The Nobel Prize in Literature 2013 – Press Release" (PDF). 10 October 2013. Retrieved 10 Dàmh. 2013. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Meyer, M.: “Alice Munro(Beurla). Meyer Literature. Air a thasglannadh [o http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/literature/bedlit/authors_depth/munro.htm] 12mh dhen Dùbhlachd 2007. Air a thogail 3s dhen Fhaoilleach 2019.
  3. Jeanne McCulloch, Mona Simpson "Alice Munro, The Art of Fiction No. 137", The Paris Review No. 131, Samhradh 1994
  4. Jason Winders (10 Dàmhair 2013). "Alice Munro, LLD'76, wins 2013 Nobel Prize in Literature". Western News. The University of Western Ontario. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  5. "Canada's Alice Munro, 'master' of short stories, wins Nobel Prize in literature". CNN. 10 Dàmahir 2013. Retrieved 11 October 2013. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  6. Alice Munro Wins Nobel Prize in Literature, by Julie Bosmans, The New York Times, 10 Dàmh. 2013
  7. Marchand, P. (29 August 2009). "Open Book: Philip Marchand on Too Much Happiness, by Alice Munro". The National Post. Retrieved 5 Sult. 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  8. A Conversation with Alice Munro. Bookbrowse. A' tarraing air 2 Ògmh. 2009.
  9. "Alice Munro wins Man Booker International prize". The Guardian. 27 Cèitean 2009. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  10. "Past Writers' Trust Engel/Findley Award Winners". Retrieved 7 Giblean 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  11. "Past Rogers Writers' Trust Fiction Prize Winners". Retrieved 7 Giblean 2014. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  12. Bosman, Julie (10 October 2013). "Alice Munro Wins Nobel Prize in Literature". New York Times. Retrieved 10 Dàmh. 2013. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)