押韻詩(Rhymed verse)係最常見嗰韻文形式。像:
- I felt a cleavage in my mind
- As if my brain had split;
- I tried to match it, seam by seam,
- But could not make them fit.
- The thought behind I strove to join
- Unto the thought before,
- But sequence ravelled out of reach
- Like balls upon a floor.
無韻詩(Blank verse)通常有規律嗰韻律,但韻文嗰督上冇有尾韻。像:
- In Mathematics, Woman leads the way:
- The narrow-minded pedant still believes
- That two and two make four! Why, we can prove,
- We women-household drudges as we are-
- That two and two make five-or three-or seven;
- Or five-and-twenty, if the case demands!
自由詩(Free verse)基本上韻律、尾韻係冇有嗰。像:
- Whirl up, sea--
- Whirl your pointed pines,
- Splash your great pines
- On our rocks,
- Hurl your green over us,
- Cover us with your pools of fir.