7th EAI International Conference on Game Theory for Networks
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 7th EAI International Conference on Game Theory for Networks. Over the last decade, there has been substantial progress on the application of game theory in the research on various networking technologies. Meanwhile, the game theoretic analysis also triggered many new technologies and insights in designing new network protocols or understanding various networks such as social networks. Gamenets 2017 will bring the state of art in this prospecting area, with the accepted and invited papers, each of which is carefully reviewed by the technical program committee. Various aspects of game theory in the context of networking will be discussed in the rather compact conference, such as the game in IoT, equilibrium of network selection, security issues in network games, et al. We also have the honor to invite our world famous keynote speakers, Prof. Poor and Prof. Altman, to give talks on smart grid and network neutrality. As the general chair, I sincerely wish you have wonderful time in Knoxville, in the early summer sunshine of Tennessee! I also want to show my sincere thanks to the whole conference committee members who have paid substantial effort for GameNets 2017!
Husheng Li, The University of Tennessee
General Chair of GameNets 2017
Interested in the conference topics? Check the latest video interview with GameNets 2017 Keynote Speaker Prof. Eitan Altman here and Prof. Vincent Poor here !
Do not miss a chance to submit your paper for GameNets 2017. THE FULL PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED NOW!
We are pleased to announce Prof. Eitan Altman as a new GameNets keynote speaker. For further details check the program section.
We are pleased to announce Prof. Vincent Poor as a new GameNets keynote speaker. For further details check the program section.
Game theory has recently become a useful tool for modeling and studying various networks. The past decade has witnessed a huge explosion of interest in issues that intersect networks and game theory. With the rapid growth of data traffic, from any kind of devices and networks, game theory is requiring more intelligent transformation.
This conference encourages archival quality papers that advance the state-of-the-art and practical applications of intelligent game theory. The goal is to gather research contributions, from game theory and networks, that address the major opportunities and challenges in applying traditional game theory as well as intelligent game theory to the understanding and designing of modern network systems, with emphasis on both new analytical techniques and novel application scenarios. We encourage prospective authors to submit their original, unpublished work.
Topics of interest
- Intelligent game theory and its applications
- Novel solution concepts such as equilibrium solutions or core solutions
- Game theory based machine learning
- Smartphone-based crowdsourcing and game theory
- Multimedia applications based on game theory
- Network security based on game theory
- Correlated equilibrium
- Network pricing
- Rate allocation game
- Power control game in communication systems
- Game theory in interactive applications
- Game theory in cognitive radio networks
- Game theory in ubiquitous networks
- Game theory in social networks
- Game theory in wireless network
- Coalitional game theory in networks
- Network optimization
- The event is endorsed by the European Alliance for Innovation, a leading community-based organisation devoted to the advancement of innovation in the field of ICT.
- All accepted papers will be published by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library, one of the world's largest scientific libraries.
"Proceedings are submitted for inclusion to the leading indexing services: EI, ISI Thomson's Scientific and Technical Proceedings at Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI's own EU Digital Library (EUDL)."
- Accepted authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their articles to Special Issue in EAI Endorsed Transactions:EAI Endorsed Transactions on Collaborative Computing.
Paper Submission
Papers should be submitted via Confy system. Please follow instructions on initial submission and in author's kit when submitting your paper
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission deadline
15 January 2017 -
Notification and Registration opens
5 March 2017 -
Camera-ready deadline
30 March 2017 -
Conference Date
9-10 May 2017